The August 2017 Notes from the Neighborhood

/The August 2017 Notes from the Neighborhood

Randy Young, TLIA President

August means several things to many of us, the dog days of summer, vacations, and yes, back to school! To your TLIA Board, it means preparing for the 2017 Annual Meeting. Yes, we start right now planning for 2018. It’s all about how we can improve our association for everyone’s benefit.

We have elections to plan, bylaw revisions to review, rules to revise, and a meaningful/compelling agenda to design. When you attend the meeting, you will hear about our 2017 accomplishments, be part of the debate process, understand our annual report and financials, and hear our 2018 outlook for TLIA.

Among those forward looking plans this year, we will be proposing bylaws revisions, a fresh outlook on the rules that govern our beach, common property, and the lake. We will present financial reorganization plans and our annual audit results. Not to mention the election of board 2018 members.

Open board positions this  this year include Vice President, Financial Secretary, and two member-at-large positions and nomination are welcome for each of these positions.  It promises to be an exciting election this year.

At the August meeting (Monday August, 14 7pm TL Village Hall) we will begin the process by choosing a date in early November for the meeting, discussing possible agenda items and governing changes. I know not everyone enjoys seeing the “sausage being made” but this is how it begins and it is all vital to our association.

You can be a part of this process, you can help determine how our neighborhood is shaped for your kids and family. All you need to do is step up. I would love your input, suggestions and ideas. My eamil is [email protected]. Even better: volunteer to run for a board position. That is easy to do. Call Janet Blake, our lead for nominations, she can be reached at 847-526-1654. Tell her you are interested in running for the TLIA Board and she will take it from there.

2018 looks to be a great year for TLIA and it would be even better with you helping to lead the way. So, step up, volunteer, get involved. Don’t just be a voice on the sidelines, be a leader. It’s your home, our neighborhood, and a great chance to make it special.

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