Randy Young – President
Over the past several years, Randy has served TLIA, first as Recording Secretary and Vice President and for the last two years, President. He is seeking his second term as President. During his time serving the Association, he has helped to expanded communications between the Board TLIA and the members, helped guide park expansion and development, the new tennis courts and board initiatives to improve Tower Lakes and TLIA.The Communications Committee was formed four years ago and with the help of a small sub-committee, he was instrumental in re-vamping the Association’s newsletter, developing and launching a new TLIA website, designing the emails blasts to the community and ushering in new financial disciplines and updates to the TLIA revenue streams.. Randy, Cassandra, and their dogs Minor and Bree have lived in Tower Lakes for nearly 15 years. Professionally, Randy is a television producer/director and teacher.
Mary Magro – Treasurer
I moved to Tower Lakes 27 years ago with my parents, Carol and Len Kuskowski while I was still in college. I fell in love with its beauty and the boy across the street, Nino Magro. We have three children – AJ (currently at IU), Julie (senior at BHS), and Gina (8th grade at Station). We have lived in North Lake for 14 years. We enjoy the small town feel to raise our children. Being part of the TLIA board allows me to give back to a community that my extended family has been a part of for over 40 years.
Kathy Pattengale – Recording Secretary
I have lived in Tower Lakes with my husband Steve since 1994. We treasure the sense of serenity and community found here. Over the years I have been involved in various Tower Lakes and TLIA committees and would welcome the opportunity to serve a second term as TLIA secretary.
Mike Mitchell – Member-at-Large
My wife Jeanne and I have lived in Tower Lakes for 20 years. We have raised our two boys here: Jack and David. I have been a TLIA board member for the past two years and have appreciated the opportunity to serve our community. Over the years, I’ve been involved with Social Committee, Men’s Day, TL Soccer Fields and have coached several youth sports. We can’t think of a better community to raise a family, build friendships, grow and support one another than Tower Lakes.
Tom Kubala – Member-at-Large
As a 25+ year resident of Tower Lakes, I have had the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the lake in both the summer and the winter, in fact all four seasons. Over time, I’m not sure which season offers the best, maybe it is some type of combination! Over the years, I’ve participated in many of the activities that make Tower Lakes a unique, great place to live and volunteered to lead them as well: the Social Committee, organizing several Men’s Days, the Village ZBA to name a few. I’m currently on the Village Planning Commission, as well as the TLIA Lake Committee. One of my main roles on the Lake Committee has been to spearhead the permit applications for our dredging projects with Lake County Stormwater Management, the Army Corp of Engineers and the Illinois EPA. Through this effort and in conjunction with other members of the committee, we have developed a very positive working relationship with these government agencies, along with members of the lake associations from our surrounding neighbors. I’d like your vote for the open Member-at-Large position, which also is the head of the Lake Committee. My goal will be to continue with the positive work that the entire Lake Committee has done over the past several years, so we can all continue to enjoy what the lake has to offer, no matter the season.