
NEW! Stewards of the Park


All interested Tower Lakers are invited to attend the first organizational meeting of the NEW Stewards of the Parks program.   When:   Thursday , Oct. 1 at 7:30 pm   Where:  Tower Lakes Village Hall   Who:      Anyone interested in getting involved with the care and maintenance of our parks, shoreline and open spaces within our  community.   What:    [...]

NEW! Stewards of the Park2015-09-27T17:23:49-05:00



Yes … Mother Nature Rules!!!                                                                                                     [...]

LAKE COMMITTEE: JULY REPORT2018-12-21T06:24:30-06:00

New Waste Company — Prairieland


Batting cleanup during our 4th of July Parade this year was a jaunty garbage cart followed by her big brother trash truck brought to you by our brand new trash and recycle provider, Prairieland Disposal. Our current contract with Waste Management will end at the end of August with the last pick-up by Waste Management being [...]

New Waste Company — Prairieland2018-12-21T06:24:30-06:00

Tower Lakes Flagpole Comes Down


You may notice something missing next time you visit Rest Island…the flagpole. It’s a prominent fixture during the July 4th celebrations, but was recently taken down. “There was a large crack that had developed. It seemed best to dismantle it for safety reasons,” said TLIA President Randy Young, who along with Andy and Adam Hay [...]

Tower Lakes Flagpole Comes Down2015-08-06T12:24:38-05:00

Lake Committee Report and ECO day!


Contributed by Steve Burgoon   ECO Day Success – We had a wonderful turn out for the First Annual ECO Day on June 13.  Coordinated by Lake Committee members Rick Steffen and Fran Douros, forty eight (48) TLIA members attended this informative one hour presentation by Beth Adler from the Barrington Area Conservation Trust (BACT).  [...]

Lake Committee Report and ECO day!2018-12-21T06:24:30-06:00

One More Eagle Project Complete


Thank you to Stuart Todd-Middleditch, the Grounds Committee and Numerous Volunteers   Over the last few months, Eagle Scout candidate, Stuart Todd-Middleditch from Troop 21 (Barrington), completed a restoration project on Gorden Lewis Park/Cypress Pond. Located at the corner of Cambridge Avenue and Oxford Road, the project included stabilizing the park bench, clearing brush and [...]

One More Eagle Project Complete2018-12-21T06:24:30-06:00

The Red (Fox NON-) Menace


  By Steve Barten, DVM   One of the charms of living in Tower Lakes is that we are blessed with an abundance of wildlife. Most people enjoy being able to see the wildlife, but there are always two sides to every story. Deer are beautiful and their new fawns are adorable, until they eat [...]

The Red (Fox NON-) Menace2018-12-21T06:24:31-06:00

Back Yard News


More opportunities to volunteer Contributed by John Yancey, TLIA Grounds This is the first of a series of articles providing news and information from the TLIA Grounds Committee. We will be keeping you up to date on projects and programs involving our parks and open space. Additionally, look  for useful information on the care of [...]

Back Yard News2018-12-21T06:24:32-06:00

Stop Killing the Bees!


Contributed By: Linda Kuna Neonicotinoids?  What the heck is that?  Known as “neonics” they are a class of insecticide that has become a favorite with many arborists, landscapers and homeowners.  They certainly are effective at killing bugs if that’s what you’re aiming to do.  But at what cost? Neonics are a systemic poison meaning that [...]

Stop Killing the Bees!2018-12-21T06:24:32-06:00

Volunteers Take on Neighborhood Cleanup


A small group of volunteers gathered at the Village Hall last month to take on the trash that littered our neighborhood after the big snow melt.  Many residents braved the busy traffic on Roberts Road, along Route 59, and on Kelsey Road.  After several large bags were filled, the roadways leading into our village are [...]

Volunteers Take on Neighborhood Cleanup2018-12-21T06:24:33-06:00
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