
“From the Perch” A monthly blog about TLIA


Steve Burgoon, TLIA President October 2019 Hello, Neighbors! The year 2019 has been very challenging for the Association with regards to protecting our privacy. As a Board we are here to help preserve our Association’s safety – of our financial assets, our property assets (lakes and grounds) and our information assets. In the winter [...]

“From the Perch” A monthly blog about TLIA2019-10-01T12:45:22-05:00

From This Perch… A monthly blog about TLIA and Tower Lakes


  Steve Burgoon - TLIA President Hello neighbors. Spring has sprung and we are halfway to the beginning of summer.  Like last year we had a ton of water to deal with and cooler than normal temperatures.  After a relatively dry winter the ground is now saturated as we all try to keep [...]

From This Perch… A monthly blog about TLIA and Tower Lakes2019-05-23T10:36:05-05:00

Raingarden Update


Raingarden Update by Andy Hay Time passes slowly in our Federal Government. While we have made great progress and our Tower Lakes Rain Garden Project has definitely been selected by the IL EPA as one of the supported projects, as yet the funds have not been made available by the Federal Government to support the [...]

Raingarden Update2018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00

Branta canadensis, the Canada Goose, and the Scoop on their Poop


Canada geese feces can be hazardous to people's health, but usually only when inhaled or ingested. Walking past geese feces, or even lounging near them on the beach is likely safe for healthy people. However, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women and the elderly are particularly susceptible to health risks posed by parasites that inhabit [...]

Branta canadensis, the Canada Goose, and the Scoop on their Poop2018-12-21T06:24:26-06:00

What is a Rain Garden


Just what is a Rain Garden? A rain garden is a garden which takes advantage of rainfall and stormwater runoff in its design and plant selection. Usually, it is a small garden that is designed to withstand the extremes of moisture and concentrations of nutrients, particularly Nitrogen and Phosphorus, that are found in stormwater runoff. rain [...]

What is a Rain Garden2018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

Lathan’s Landing Renovation Status


submitted by Nick Adams   The Circle Drive Park & Lathan’s Landing Renovation project kicked off on September 28.  The entire project consisted of three separate tasks. The first was to spread, seed, and stabilize a portion of the collected sediment at Circle Drive Park.  That work was completed October 9 and grass is growing [...]

Lathan’s Landing Renovation Status2018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

September – Lake Committee Report


Cooperation and Progress by Steve Burgoon   Silt at North Lake entrance -- After three months of rain we haven’t had but a few drops in a month which is great for drying out the silt bags at North Lake.  We pulled the weeds out of the bags on August 1 and cut the tops off [...]

September – Lake Committee Report2018-12-21T06:24:29-06:00
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