
Stay Off the Dam  


The dam on the west side of Tower Lakes regulates the lake’s water level and allows for a consistent flow exiting the main lake. Recently, people have been jumping off the dam into the creek below. Not only is this a dangerous practice, but it’s against our community policy. There is a NO TRESPASSING sign [...]

Stay Off the Dam  2018-12-21T06:24:29-06:00



Yes … Mother Nature Rules!!!                                                                                                     [...]

LAKE COMMITTEE: JULY REPORT2018-12-21T06:24:30-06:00

Dr. Steve’s Wildlife Show Wows the Crowd Again


While many looked on with great interest, there was still the squeamish. Tower Lakes’ residents gathered on Rest Island for what is quickly becoming a regular Forth of July event, the Dr. Steve Wildlife Show. Dr. Steve Barten, resident and local veterinarian, once again amazed the onlookers with wildlife found in and around our area: [...]

Dr. Steve’s Wildlife Show Wows the Crowd Again2018-12-21T06:24:30-06:00

Lake Committee Report and ECO day!


Contributed by Steve Burgoon   ECO Day Success – We had a wonderful turn out for the First Annual ECO Day on June 13.  Coordinated by Lake Committee members Rick Steffen and Fran Douros, forty eight (48) TLIA members attended this informative one hour presentation by Beth Adler from the Barrington Area Conservation Trust (BACT).  [...]

Lake Committee Report and ECO day!2018-12-21T06:24:30-06:00

April Lake Committee Report


by Steve Burgoon     Since the expansion of the Lake Committee in June of 2010 the group has organized into many sub-committees working on different initiatives or projects concerning our lakes. The Committee manages the third party contractor who helps keep aquatic plants in check; we actively participate in the Volunteer Lake Management program; [...]

April Lake Committee Report2018-12-21T06:24:33-06:00



By Steve Burgoon   Have you ever noticed some old guys out there on the lake in a row boat or kayak paddling around and looking lost?  That would be members of TLIA Lake Committee Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP).  Our team started monitoring in 2013 and has collected data on our lake quality on [...]

March LAKE COMMITTEE REPORT2018-12-21T06:24:33-06:00
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