

Community Opens New Courts


Ribbon Cutting on New Courts Dozens of Tower Lakes residents attended a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 11 to celebrate the opening of the new tennis courts. Mary Magro, who was instrumental in the fund-raising effort, spoke and thanked integral members who kept the project on task: Pat Covek, Kathy Covek, Bob Covek, Jack Johnson, [...]

Community Opens New Courts2018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00

Raingarden Update


Raingarden Update by Andy Hay Time passes slowly in our Federal Government. While we have made great progress and our Tower Lakes Rain Garden Project has definitely been selected by the IL EPA as one of the supported projects, as yet the funds have not been made available by the Federal Government to support the [...]

Raingarden Update2018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00

Notes from the Neighborhood June 2016


Tennis Anyone? Randy Young, TLIA President Well Tower Lakes, we did it. We have brand new tennis courts for all to enjoy. It was no easy task; no, not at all. I will admit, I was somewhat skeptical when the proposal for new courts was placed before the Board last year. (You can [...]

Notes from the Neighborhood June 20162018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00

TL ECO DAY 2! A Great Success!


TLIA Eco2Day was a fantastic success, more than sixty people turned out on June 11. Bigger than its premiere last year in 2015, this year’s event on Rest Island featured eco learning opportunities and fun for the whole family. Eco2Day Speakers were great, and Workshop Leaders terrific!  Barrington Area Conservation Trust (BACT), Native Seed Gardeners (NSG), Citizens [...]

TL ECO DAY 2! A Great Success!2018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00

Youth Committee: SAVE THE DATES…FOR FUN!


Summer Story Time  Friday June 17th (Theme Pirates & Mermaids) 10:30 a.m. Rest Island All Ages! Escape into a world of stories with our very own Tinker Bell storyteller, Mrs. Jacquie Skurla, as she captivates our young audience on Rest Island!  Friday June 17th will be a Pirate & Mermaid theme, so feel free to bring a [...]

Youth Committee: SAVE THE DATES…FOR FUN!2018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00



  FRIDAY          Noon – 3pm at the Beach June 3 - cupcake decorating                June 10 - Baggo   June 17 - Water gun fight for pirates and scavenger hunt for mermaids June 24 - Volleyball  

FRIDAY FUNDAYS!!!2018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00

TL Youth Tennis


TL YOUTH TENNIS June 6-July 28 Where: TL tennis courts When: M/W or T/Th Time: TBD based on enrollment Cost: $70 for K - 1st grade (45min) $80 for 2nd-8th grade (60min)   Calling all kids! Summer is just around the corner. Come join us for TENNIS... We are excited to kick off the summer [...]

TL Youth Tennis2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Building the Great Wall of Tower Lakes


Volunteers Help Build Retaning Wall Over a few weekends in April, the Tower Lakes volunteer community came out in force to continue construction on the new tennis courts. Several Tower Lakes residents spent their weekend clearing away debris, leveling the ground and slowly building a retaining wall at the front of the courts. With strong [...]

Building the Great Wall of Tower Lakes2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Youth Conservationist Activity Workshop: June 11


Contributed by Jen Grey Kids K-6  Join us on June 11 from 10 - 11 am on Rest Island We love our spring sprouts! (Jack and Brooke van Black) Our goal is to encourage the planting and conservation of native plants for a greener, healthier, and more beautiful world. The workshop will focus [...]

Youth Conservationist Activity Workshop: June 112018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00
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