

Swim Lessons in Tower Lakes


Swim lessons will be offered this summer for nine weeks​, beginning Monday, June 6 thru Thursday, Aug 4​, lessons will meet twice a week, either M/W or T/TH and scheduled between 12pm­4pm. Swim lessons are offered to children ages 3 and up. Lessons for the entire nine weeks are $80 per child, yet a $5 [...]

Swim Lessons in Tower Lakes2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Cricket Comes to Tower Lakes


Save the date for a day of cricket with Andy Milne. Starting at 10:00 am, this free 2-hour cricket camp will cover the basics of bowling, batting and fielding plus the unique history, language and culture behind the game. At 2 pm, we will reconvene on the soccer field and play a full version of [...]

Cricket Comes to Tower Lakes2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Getting to know your neighbor — Mary Beth Adams


Me and my Shadow Mary Beth Adams is most likely the first person new residents meet when they move into Tower Lakes. With a smile on her face and a warm, friendly demeanor, Mary Beth is a one-man show, greeting newcomers to our community. She is the one and only official “Tower Lakes [...]

Getting to know your neighbor — Mary Beth Adams2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Tower Lakes Rain Garden Initiative


Hi everyone!   At last, we are making some progress with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency towards learning the outcome of our application for a grant to support our initiative to reduce non-point source pollution and reducing flooding.   Just to recap. The 319 Grant Application is a process where communities can apply for financial [...]

Tower Lakes Rain Garden Initiative2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00



Mark your calendars with the following dates!   Thursday, May 19, 2016  6:30 p.m. Free Seminar on Tax Reduction and Estate Tax Elimination                                                         at Lake Barrington Shores  Golf Club  (dinner [...]

SAVE THE DATES!2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

“NEW!” Village Tree Commission


by Rick Steffen and Jan Bahr A new committee has been added to our growing list of community volunteers.  The Village of Tower Lakes Tree Commission was recently formed and designed to help with the health, protection, and maintenance and of the trees in our beautiful community.  They have divided themselves into two working groups: [...]

“NEW!” Village Tree Commission2018-12-21T06:24:26-06:00

Branta canadensis, the Canada Goose, and the Scoop on their Poop


Canada geese feces can be hazardous to people's health, but usually only when inhaled or ingested. Walking past geese feces, or even lounging near them on the beach is likely safe for healthy people. However, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women and the elderly are particularly susceptible to health risks posed by parasites that inhabit [...]

Branta canadensis, the Canada Goose, and the Scoop on their Poop2018-12-21T06:24:26-06:00

Tower Lakes Rain Garden Update


Contributed by Andy Hay Spring is here and we are itching to make progress on the Rain Garden Project but we must be patient. The real visible work will not be until the fall. For now we have at least made some progress behind the scenes Firstly, we applied in February to Lake County for [...]

Tower Lakes Rain Garden Update2018-12-21T06:24:26-06:00

2016 TLIA Directory Last Chance for Listing


This is your last chance to be listed in the 2016 TLIA directory coming out later this year. If you already filled out the form late last fall, we have your information. For the other 50%, please click here to fill out the simple form. Questions? Contact [email protected].

2016 TLIA Directory Last Chance for Listing2018-12-21T06:24:26-06:00

Tennis Courts Update


In a unanimous vote, the TLIA Board has approved moving forward on construction of new tennis courts. An overwhelming outpouring of support from TLIA members pushed us over the top of our fund raising goals. Over 100 families donated just over $54,000 and exceeded the threshold required for TLIA to appropriate $60,000 from the association’s [...]

Tennis Courts Update2018-12-21T06:24:26-06:00
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