

From This Perch…A monthly Blog about TLIA


Steve Burgoon - TLIA President Over the past few months the TLIA Board has emptied our rented storage unit in Wauconda to save some money for the Association. We have divided the files by function/committee so that we can look back in history to learn from the past. There are some incredible gems [...]

From This Perch…A monthly Blog about TLIA2019-06-28T16:33:58-05:00

From This Perch… A monthly blog about TLIA and Tower Lakes


  Steve Burgoon - TLIA President Hello neighbors. Spring has sprung and we are halfway to the beginning of summer.  Like last year we had a ton of water to deal with and cooler than normal temperatures.  After a relatively dry winter the ground is now saturated as we all try to keep [...]

From This Perch… A monthly blog about TLIA and Tower Lakes2019-05-23T10:36:05-05:00
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