Tower Lakes Rain Garden Update


Contributed by Andy Hay Spring is here and we are itching to make progress on the Rain Garden Project but we must be patient. The real visible work will not be until the fall. For now we have at least made some progress behind the scenes Firstly, we applied in February to Lake County for [...]

Tower Lakes Rain Garden Update2018-12-21T06:24:26-06:00

Aram Park Gets a good Scrubbing


Aram Park, located at Oak St. and Bridge Lane on the west side, got a much needed scrubbing recently. Great stewards of the parks and friends of Aram Park, Betsy Brookbank, Gwen Torstenson, and Andrew Young came together to give the playground equipment a good scrubbing. Over the past three years since the new equipment [...]

Aram Park Gets a good Scrubbing2015-08-27T20:24:49-05:00

Back Yard News


More opportunities to volunteer Contributed by John Yancey, TLIA Grounds This is the first of a series of articles providing news and information from the TLIA Grounds Committee. We will be keeping you up to date on projects and programs involving our parks and open space. Additionally, look  for useful information on the care of [...]

Back Yard News2018-12-21T06:24:32-06:00
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