Tower Lakes Online Newsletter

//Tower Lakes Online Newsletter

TL ECO DAY 2! A Great Success!


TLIA Eco2Day was a fantastic success, more than sixty people turned out on June 11. Bigger than its premiere last year in 2015, this year’s event on Rest Island featured eco learning opportunities and fun for the whole family. Eco2Day Speakers were great, and Workshop Leaders terrific!  Barrington Area Conservation Trust (BACT), Native Seed Gardeners (NSG), Citizens [...]

TL ECO DAY 2! A Great Success!2018-12-21T06:24:24-06:00

TL Youth Tennis


TL YOUTH TENNIS June 6-July 28 Where: TL tennis courts When: M/W or T/Th Time: TBD based on enrollment Cost: $70 for K - 1st grade (45min) $80 for 2nd-8th grade (60min)   Calling all kids! Summer is just around the corner. Come join us for TENNIS... We are excited to kick off the summer [...]

TL Youth Tennis2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Building the Great Wall of Tower Lakes


Volunteers Help Build Retaning Wall Over a few weekends in April, the Tower Lakes volunteer community came out in force to continue construction on the new tennis courts. Several Tower Lakes residents spent their weekend clearing away debris, leveling the ground and slowly building a retaining wall at the front of the courts. With strong [...]

Building the Great Wall of Tower Lakes2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Youth Conservationist Activity Workshop: June 11


Contributed by Jen Grey Kids K-6  Join us on June 11 from 10 - 11 am on Rest Island We love our spring sprouts! (Jack and Brooke van Black) Our goal is to encourage the planting and conservation of native plants for a greener, healthier, and more beautiful world. The workshop will focus [...]

Youth Conservationist Activity Workshop: June 112018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Swim Lessons in Tower Lakes


Swim lessons will be offered this summer for nine weeks​, beginning Monday, June 6 thru Thursday, Aug 4​, lessons will meet twice a week, either M/W or T/TH and scheduled between 12pm­4pm. Swim lessons are offered to children ages 3 and up. Lessons for the entire nine weeks are $80 per child, yet a $5 [...]

Swim Lessons in Tower Lakes2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Cricket Comes to Tower Lakes


Save the date for a day of cricket with Andy Milne. Starting at 10:00 am, this free 2-hour cricket camp will cover the basics of bowling, batting and fielding plus the unique history, language and culture behind the game. At 2 pm, we will reconvene on the soccer field and play a full version of [...]

Cricket Comes to Tower Lakes2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Getting to know your neighbor — Mary Beth Adams


Me and my Shadow Mary Beth Adams is most likely the first person new residents meet when they move into Tower Lakes. With a smile on her face and a warm, friendly demeanor, Mary Beth is a one-man show, greeting newcomers to our community. She is the one and only official “Tower Lakes [...]

Getting to know your neighbor — Mary Beth Adams2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Tower Lakes Rain Garden Initiative


Hi everyone!   At last, we are making some progress with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency towards learning the outcome of our application for a grant to support our initiative to reduce non-point source pollution and reducing flooding.   Just to recap. The 319 Grant Application is a process where communities can apply for financial [...]

Tower Lakes Rain Garden Initiative2018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00

Notes from the Neighborhood; May 2016


Randy Young, TLIA President Notes from the Neighborhood; May 2016 Over the last few weeks, a conversation arose between neighbors about how well we maintain our neighborhood. This took on a very personal vein when I viewed it from a TLIA perspective. This past weekend, our spring cleanup was the very best cleanup [...]

Notes from the Neighborhood; May 20162018-12-21T06:24:25-06:00
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