Tower Lakes Online Newsletter

//Tower Lakes Online Newsletter

What is a Rain Garden


Just what is a Rain Garden? A rain garden is a garden which takes advantage of rainfall and stormwater runoff in its design and plant selection. Usually, it is a small garden that is designed to withstand the extremes of moisture and concentrations of nutrients, particularly Nitrogen and Phosphorus, that are found in stormwater runoff. rain [...]

What is a Rain Garden2018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

Notes from the Neighborhood; February 2016


Randy Young, TLIA President One of the charms of Tower Lakes is the impression that we are a quaint community; a sleepy, cottage town where everyone gets along. It is, for the most part, a true statement, but only because there are rules we respect and live by. A few years ago, some [...]

Notes from the Neighborhood; February 20162018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

Lathan’s Landing Renovation Status


submitted by Nick Adams   The Circle Drive Park & Lathan’s Landing Renovation project kicked off on September 28.  The entire project consisted of three separate tasks. The first was to spread, seed, and stabilize a portion of the collected sediment at Circle Drive Park.  That work was completed October 9 and grass is growing [...]

Lathan’s Landing Renovation Status2018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

The Village Voice: Dial-a-Ride


submitted by TL Village President, David Parro     Attention Tower Lakes seniors and handicapped: There is an underutilized local transportation service that your Village government helps to provide. We think it is underutilized because it is underpublicized. I am talking about our Barrington Area Pace Dial-a-Ride service. I think most folks are aware of [...]

The Village Voice: Dial-a-Ride2018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00
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