Tower Lakes Online Newsletter

//Tower Lakes Online Newsletter

Notes from the Neighborhood – December 2015


Randy Young, TLIA President Happy New Year! No, I’m not saying it early; I say it  because TLIA is on a November-thru-October fiscal year, so I saying: “Happy TLIA fiscal new year.”   I hope you heard me speak at the Annual Meeting just a few weeks ago, when I detailed our fiscal [...]

Notes from the Neighborhood – December 20152018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

Notes from the Neighborhood for November 2015


Congratulations everyone!  Randy Young, TLIA President   We approved the motion and our new courts can move forward… well almost. What we have is a little bit of the cart before the horse. Not in a bad way. We needed to prove our intent to stimulate yours.   The rebuilding of our tennis [...]

Notes from the Neighborhood for November 20152018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

The Village Report: President Dave Parro


Hello neighbors! This month, I’d like to update you on 3 topics your Village government has been working on:   First, a status report on the proposed water system upgrade project. Thanks to the 30 plus citizens who turned out at the Sept. 29 Public Hearing to provide input and ask questions. There were some [...]

The Village Report: President Dave Parro2018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

Photos with Santa & Horse Drawn Carriage Rides


TLIA Youth Committee Presents Photos with Santa & Horse Drawn Carriage Rides DATE: Sunday Dec. 13th TIME: 3:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. PLACE: Rest Island – Weather permitting We'll take the pictures and supply the URL so you can print out as many pictures as you’d like! Join us for some hot cocoa and snuggle up on a [...]

Photos with Santa & Horse Drawn Carriage Rides2018-12-21T06:24:27-06:00

Welcome New Neighbors


Tim & Kelly Carden 641 Leon Drive (847) 483-4778 Email:  [email protected]   Tim & Kelly are from North Barrington and have moved to North Lake with their four children. Jaycee is 15 and a sophomore at BHS who loves theater and choir. Annie is 8 and a second grader at North Barrington School who loves [...]

Welcome New Neighbors2018-12-21T06:24:28-06:00

Another Successful Chili Cook-Off


Contributed by Fran Steffen   A fun time was had by all at the TL Chili Cook Off.  The competition was fierce, 20 chili pots arrived full and went home empty; but the tummies of >200 folks went home full!  (... of chili, cornbread, sweets and a beer or two...) The Halloween storytellers awed the [...]

Another Successful Chili Cook-Off2018-12-21T06:24:28-06:00



Contributed by Jan Bahr   It was truly a fun-filled night of song, dance, good neighbors, good food, good beer and general Gemütlichkeit at The Onion Pub!  From the decorations to the beer tasting, the schnitzel, the German dancers, the steins, the fabulous alpine hats, dirndls and liederhosen, you would have thought you were in Munich! [...]

TLCF Big Night 6: OKTOBERFEST!2018-12-21T06:24:28-06:00

“Tower Lakes Scotch Doubles Bowling” 


Location: 3D Bowl/Sideouts in Island Lake Date: Saturday, January 30 Time: 4-7PM Cost:$30/Couple (Includes bowling, snacks/appetizers, prizes, shoe rental if needed) Cash bar available   Format: Teams will be determined by random drawing prior to event. In the interest of marital/relational peace you will not be able to bowl with your spouse or significant other. Two games [...]

“Tower Lakes Scotch Doubles Bowling” 2018-12-21T06:24:28-06:00
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