TLIA Tax Returns – Filed by Year
Randy Young2019-01-18T09:33:03-06:00TAX RETURNS BY YEAR FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017
TAX RETURNS BY YEAR FY-2013 FY-2014 FY-2015 FY-2016 FY-2017
Randy Young Randy Young - President Over the past several years, Randy has served TLIA, first as Recording Secretary and Vice President and for the last two years, President. He is seeking his second term as President. During his time serving the Association, he has helped to expanded communications between the Board TLIA [...]
By Steve Burgoon The year? 1987… a large number of families had moved into Tower Lakes over the previous three year period. In an effort to foster brotherhood and camaraderie this group of late 20 and 30 something men, along with a few “older” gentlemen, got together to map out an array of men’s activities. [...]