Steve Burgoon, TLIA President
Hello neighbors.
We’ve reached that midpoint of
summer when we all want to take a little time off to get some R & R and spend time in the great out- doors. This is the time of year I try to spend long weekends seeing family and friends out east as well as in the surrounding states with all their abounding beauty of lakes,
streams, and parks. I hope you all find some time to do the same.
But before we stop and relax, we need to take time to give thanks to the MANY volunteers who have contributed to helping organize all the recent activities that our Community enjoys. The outgoing Social/Events Committee has done a fantastic job with all the events they have planned and imple- mented the last two years, especially the last two epic (and long) Independence Day weekends. When you get a chance please thank Julie and Glenn Losinski, Liz and Joe Giglio, and Amanda and Mike Brown, (as well as continuing members, Bobby and Melissa Covek and Tuno Ruiz and Ana Labatte) for all their time and effort for a job well done.
Just before the Independence festivities kicked off the Grounds Committee lead by John Yancey, coordinated the installation of a new power pole and electric service to the Islands and added an electric circuit to Covek’s Crossing Bridge so that we can install a water mover to circulate lake water in that area. At this same time the Village of Tower Lakes (VOTL) coordinated with the Tower Lakes Communi- ty Foundation (TLCF) to install the new water foun- tain, foot wash and field hydrant, to aid in the water- ing of our flower beds in that area along the path to the beach nearest the Covek’s Crossing Bridge. TLCF provided the funding, VOTL supplied the water service to the fountain during the water system project last year and TLIA coordinated the installa- tion of the equipment. This collaborative effort has been a fantastic addition for beachgoers and dog walkers alike. Thank you to the TLCF Board, VOTL President, Dave Parro, and Building Officer, Tony Cantieri, for their assistance on these projects.
Lastly, thank you to everyone who helped volun- teer at the many events during Independence week- end. None of us get paid…we do it for love of Tower Lakes, so thank you for volunteering to help
make Tower Lakes “No better place to be for the 4th of July.”
See ya’ around the neighborhood.