Here we are already in the month of March. Punxy in Pennsylvania thinks we should be out of winter soon. Sure!!
We had our first TLIA meeting of the new Board of Managers on Monday, February 11. We had a great showing with 8 of the 9 board members, including four newly elected members and almost all of the committees represented. The Board
unanimously approved the appointment of Mary Magro to the position of Vice President and Committee Chairs for all the Standing Committees as follows:
Beach: Mary Magro; Communications: Mary Kay Bolger;Events/Social: Julie Losinski; Finance: Tom Kuna;Grounds Beautification: Pat Covek;
Grounds: John Yancey; Lake: Tom Kubala & Mitch Coulter;Long Range Planning: Mark Handley; Tennis: Pat Covek;Youth: Whitney Bruni
We finished calendar year 2018 approving the Rules and Regulations (CLICK HERE) The governing documents of the Association are the By-Laws that define Board structure, committees, voting, etc. All Homeowners Associations (HOAs) also develop and implement Rule and Regulations that govern use of association properties and facilities. Throughout the year we will highlight some of the more critical and potentially misunderstood Rules
RULES — Fishing – Uninvited Guests
This winter we have had a significant number of fishermen and women from outside TLIA who have trespassed on our lakes to ice fish. Some of them have posted videos on the internet (YouTube) bragging of their fish haul and inviting others to do the same. While we are excited to allow all members and their invited guests (with a beach tag to prove they are guests) to fish our lakes we cannot allow trespassers on our lakes. We are a PRIVATE lake and wish to protect our right to restrict access to members and guests. (See *NOTE on page 1 re:fishing licenses.) Trespassers are potential safety risks to the community and they can easily cause damage by overfishing our lakes, which they do not support financially. The Lake Committee has developed a plan, working with our partners from the Village of Tower Lakes Police Department, to remove trespassers from the lakes. (See lead story on front page) Simply put, if you or your family suspect anyone, young or old, who is trespassing on the lake or shoreline, please, call one of the
Lake Committee Co-Chairman: Tom Kubala (847-867-4979) or Mitch Coulter (773-844-1953).
They will determine if they will handle the issue or contact the VOTL Police to remove the trespassers. PLEASE, do not feel that you have to approach trespassers. Leave it to the committee and VOTL. Thank you.