- Maintain/ lift our property values. This means maintaining a smart balance between spending & taxing, which will be tougher than ever with the State raiding our share of income & gasoline tax.
- Finishing the water system upgrades as recommended by past engineering studies. Get the iron out and replace the last of the failing undersized lines.
- Implementing the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, most importantly protecting our natural Environment and keeping our status quo as Best Suburb to Raise a Family (see Niche.com 2015 where we are #3 in IL and #19 in the USA).
- Modernizing our records. This is an ongoing process but important to my successors and me.
- Cooperate with our Homeowner Associations, neighbor Villages and Townships to save costs and enforce planning. Good examples are the new Watershed Plan, various current & future Intergovernmental Agreements and the Groundwater study work.
- Continue road resurfacing on a sustainable pace.
The new Garbage contract touches several of these priorities: cost reduction/ smart spending, environment/ recycling, road wear & tear, working with other orgs.
On Dave’s long term wish list is another safety/ quality of life goal: 24/7 police coverage, but he doesn’t expect we will achieve that in the near term.
If you have an idea for something the Village government should do (or not do) Dave would truly love to hear about it. Please email him at [email protected].
Also keep an eye on our new Village website towerlakes-il.gov as we update and improve it and merge in the data from the old villageoftowerlakes.com.