Happy Fourth of July Everyone!
Traditionally, as it will be again this year, July Fourth is a special time of year in Tower Lakes when we come together to celebrate our very special community. Fourth of July in TL is about the kind of fun we remember from times past. Times when we were kids playing games, having BBQs, and listening to great music. It’s a weekend to put aside the stress of our daily lives, enjoy the beauty of summer in Tower Lakes.
In my mind, there is no better place to be than Tower Lakes and with our families. July Fourth truly is the essence of our community and the spirit of Tower Lakes.
As you soak in that essence and enjoy this weekend, I encourage everyone take a moment when you pick up your food, get a cold one at the bar, or participate in an activity, and say “thank you” to the many, many neighbors who volunteer their time and talent to make this event possible. They work hard serving food, organizing games, setting it up and taking it down; they stay late and pick up the trash each night and they spend countless hours planning everything to make it special for you. It is their dedication that makes it happen and we all benefit because of it. Each and every one of these volunteers deserves a smile and “thanks neighbor” from each of you.
Speaking of hard working volunteers, your TLIA Board is sponsoring a tent on the island where you can meet this tremendous team who make up the TLIA Board. We will be there to answer your questions, meet you all, and provide you an opportunity learn more about your association. It is part of our outreach to members, allowing you an opportunity to gain an insight into our plans and actions. Stop by and say hello and pick up a newsletter. We will be there to answer your questions.
So here it is, Fourth of July. Let’s gather together and recreate our memories for a new generation of family, kids, and grandkids.
Have a great time, enjoy the celebration and don’t forget to say “thank you” to a volunteer.