July 9, 2015
7 PM Tower Lakes Village Hall
Randy Young, Jack Johnson, Linda Kuna, Judd Lautenschlager, Mary Magro, Mike Mitchell, Kathy Pattengale, John Yancey, and Andrew Young
Committee Representation:
Pat Covek – Grounds Beautification & Tennis
Cass Young – Communications
Jennifer Grey – Lake (Shoreline Restoration)
Kathy Covek and Victor Mannina
Henry and Marty Thompson – Social
Guests: Jennifer Gray
Call to Order: Randy Young
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Opening remarks Randy Young
Randy opened the meeting noting that it was a very full agenda. Randy lauded the Social Committee for an outstanding Fourth of July weekend. Randy asked us to recommend people with organizational and/or accounting skills to serve on an audit team (ex-board members are welcome). The flagpole on Rest Island has been removed because of safety concerns. There will be an executive session after tonight’s meeting.
Grounds John Yancey
The company TLIA has been using for landscaping quit abruptly, so John Yancey has contracted with another company. The transition has been smooth.
The damaged flagpole will be replaced with an anodized, brushed aluminum pole that will be painted white. Aluminum fares better in freezing & thawing conditions than fiberglass. The new pole will be 33 ft. tall with a 90 mile per hour wind rating and an 8’ x 5’ flag. The estimated cost is under $2,500. Future projects could involve removing concrete pads from previous flagpoles and enhancing the fountain and rose garden areas on the islands.
Motion: To replace the damaged flagpole with an aluminum pole in the same vicinity as the old one at a cost not to exceed $2500.
Move: Mike Mitchell
Second: John Yancey
Vote to approve.
Eagle Scout projects continue to move along. Two bids of approximately $3000 have been received for replacing the gazebo roof. Work on the path to the road from the gazebo and the path down to the lake should be done by mid-August.
Turf and seed will be added to the area around the bridge path. A tree across the path from the pond to North Lake and a large tree in South Hills will be removed sometime in the fall.
Sand was delivered for the volleyball courts, and trees have been trimmed. Adjustable volleyball stands for players of various ages will be purchased, and we are looking into using buried railroad ties to help keep the sand inside the perimeter of the court. A line item for park maintenance that needs to be funded at a minimum level of $5,000 on an annual basis could possibly be funded out of the capital account. It was suggested that a maintenance plan be addressed before constructing anything new.
Communications Cass Young
For the month of June, the committee sent out 19 emails publicizing various events. They created posters and event schedules for the 4th of July events. Color copies of the July TL News were distributed on the Fourth of July, and advertising money has been secured to partially offset the printing costs. The website is being transitioned to a safer, more secure platform. A link to the TL Village Meeting Minutes will be included on the TLIA website each month.
Social Committee Henry and Marty Thompson
Great job Social Committee and the entire community, who really stepped up to volunteer over the 4th of July weekend! Thanks to the Kirschners, Thompsons, Davies, Steffens and Nash’s for their service on the Social Committee. Rick and Fran Steffen and Bob and Kristi Nash are staying on to help transition to the new structure. An effort will be made to secure leads for the various upcoming events and to emphasize that this is a limited time commitment. Thanks to Brad Merkle, who built a collapsible stage that was used over the 4th of July and can be used for many future events. Patty Barten, Pati Schafer and Marty Thompson did a great job coordinating the clothing tent. The Social Committee took in approximately $18,000 and incurred costs of $15,000-16,000 over the 4th, so the committee is currently well funded for future events.
Tennis Committee Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson, Victor Mannina, and Kathy Covek presented their recommended option for rebuilding the tennis courts as a proposal to the Board for consideration and for possible inclusion on the ballot at the general membership meeting in November. After examining various alternatives, the committee is recommending a construction method using a soil stabilization process to create a unified, stable base on which to place the stone and asphalt surface. This stabilized base has a 100-year lifespan and is thought to minimize long-term settlement. Various options for funding this project were discussed. The estimated cost is $109,781 plus a 3% contingency. This is a discounted price thanks to Victor Mannina, and these prices would need to be guaranteed since the actual work would be done next year. The project would also require permits and a road bond. Options for funding include possibly come up with an umbrella special assessment for tennis, lake, and park projects, taking money out of our capital fund this year and putting it back into capital next year, or holding the vote this year but not beginning to charge the membership until next year. Private donations could also offset part of the cost. Kathy Covek volunteered to serve as development director of the project for oversight and communication. The Board suggested forming a committee to determine logistics and communicate with the membership.
Motion: To support this plan and form a committee to communicate about this plan to the community.
Voice vote: All in favor.
Tennis Pat Covek
Our courts have been repaired and our lessons have begun. There are approximately 50 youths and five classes of adults signed up for tennis lessons. Our 4th of July tennis and volleyball tournaments were a great success, involving approximately 80 to 100 people either playing or watching. Thanks to the Social Committee for their contributions to the events as well as to the volunteers who helped out. A men’s doubles tournament will be held in August or September, and a round robin tournament, possibly including volleyball, is scheduled for Labor Day weekend.
Lake Committee Judd Lautenschlager
Jen Grey presented a proposal to the Board for shoreline restoration adjacent to and on her property at 145 W. Lake Shore Drive.
Judd Lautenschalger: Motion to approve the plans as presented. Randy Young will write a letter verifying the Board’s approval of this project.
Linda Kuna: Second
All in favor.
Judd shared an update on the 319 Grant proposal. The plans are set to go and must be submitted by July 20. Since this is a federal grant, the funds are not jeopardized by the current Illinois budget crisis. If approved, a zoning permit will be needed, and two new trees at Wagner will need to be moved. If approved, work will begin August 2016 and run through 2017. We will need to bid this out if we get the grant. The local matching costs will be $9500 split between the Village and TLIA. There were questions about two collapsed pipes where the rain gardens would be installed and how these will be addressed. Any installations using these grant monies must be maintained for 10 years, so it seems prudent to fix the pipes before the garden is installed. Joe Skurla from the Village Board will be invited to our next meeting to talk about this drainage issue.
The Lathan’s Landing plan is going to the Army Corps, and the hope is to start the project in September, as it must be completed by November. McCarthy’s restoration area: work is set to begin on the silt bags (open them up and spreading them out) in the next week. Fish restocking and carp removal have been done recently. Judd Lautenschlager is coordinating with Rich Rollins about the dissolve oxygen (DO) meter, which is monitored on a weekly basis. Turbidity in the lake is being caused by wind, runoff, and rain, but it will settle with time. A water jet flow trial with a sump pump has been implemented in the stagnant area by the bridge. It works quite well, but we need to acquire another pump. No more dredging will be done until next year.
PARC Jack Johnson
PARC has received $2000 from the TL Foundation grant for improvements in the volleyball courts at Bays Park. Jack Johnson has put notices on untagged boats, and will also put reminder notices on boats at the end of the season.
Grounds Beautification Pat Covek
Ray Boe, Carl Lenling, and Jack Covek did a great job edging, weeding, mulching and cleaning all the islands and surrounding area in preparation for the Fourth of July. Tower Lakes looked beautiful on the Fourth! Work has begun on the Reading Circle, and Mary Lenling and Mark Shircel will be following up on its beautification. Our next project will be our fall mum planting.
The Tower Lakes Garden Club Garden Walk in June was a great success. We visited three outstanding gardens: Mary Lenling’s garden, Barsumian Park, and Diane Thompson’s garden. The next Garden Club event will focus on cooking from garden to table.
Beach Mary Magro
The Beach is off to a good start. The lifeguards have been working hard at keeping the children safe and also conducting swimming lessons. Recently the entire goose fence was intentionally taken out, and the line was ruined. The line was replaced, and the lifeguards cleaned up the island. The combination lock on the beach house door has been changed. Friday Fundays have been met with great enthusiasm.
Approval of Minutes Floor
The June 2015 Board minutes was approved as written.
Motion to approve: John Yancey
Second: Jack Johnson
Vote to approve.
TLIA Financial Secretary’s Report Linda Kuna
June Receipts Year to Date
$7,368.25 $215,676.39
2015 Regular Dues $2,800.00 $83,459.00
2015 Senior Dues 360.00 38,825.00
2015 Lake 2.050.00 72,525.00
Past Dues 350.00 12,185.00
Past Lake ——– 4,437.56
Vacant Lot ——– 675.00
RFPP 1,056.25 1,906.25
Miscellaneous 752.00 1,663.58
TOTAL $7,368.25 $215,676.39
Of the five certified letters that went out last month, only one household has responded with a request to set up a payment plan. The other four households will be turned over to our attorneys for collection.
A request for payment to all households who have not paid their 2015 dues in full will go out this month. Invoices will be stamped “past due”
Treasurer’s Report Mary Magro
Tower Lakes Improvement Association | |||||
Budget vs. Actuals: Budget – FY15 P&L | |||||
November 2014 – October 2015 | |||||
Total | |||||
Monthly | Actual | Budget | Under Budget | % of Budget | |
Expenses | |||||
Administration | 0.00 | 1,813.74 | 3,000.00 | -1,186.26 | 60.46% |
Beach/Lifeguards | 8,519.54 | 11,593.42 | 30,000.00 | -18,406.58 | 38.64% |
Community Relations | 551.64 | 1,863.06 | 3,000.00 | -1,136.94 | 62.10% |
Dues Refund | 0.00 | 90.00 | 90.00 | ||
Grounds Beautification | 0.00 | 3,552.45 | 6,500.00 | -2,947.55 | 54.65% |
Grounds General | 1,052.97 | 1,983.03 | 6,000.00 | -4,016.97 | 33.05% |
Grounds Maintenance | 0.00 | 5,400.00 | 6,500.00 | -1,100.00 | 83.08% |
Insurance | 11,225.00 | 11,225.00 | 15,000.00 | -3,775.00 | 74.83% |
Lake | 7,985.16 | 7,985.16 | 23,000.00 | -15,014.84 | 34.72% |
Lawn Maintenance | 1,280.00 | 5,120.00 | 18,000.00 | -12,880.00 | 28.44% |
Legal | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2,500.00 | -2,500.00 | 0.00% |
Social Committee | 625.00 | 625.00 | 1,000.00 | -375.00 | 62.50% |
Tennis Committee | 0.00 | 1,650.00 | 3,000.00 | -1,350.00 | 55.00% |
Tree Removal and Maintenance | 1,450.00 | 4,700.00 | 12,500.00 | -7,800.00 | 37.60% |
Website | 1,031.52 | 1,031.52 | 2,000.00 | -968.48 | 51.58% |
Youth Committee | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1,000.00 | -1,000.00 | 0.00% |
Total Expenses | $33,720.83 | $58,632.38 | $133,000.00 | -$74,367.62 | 44.08% |
Capital | 2,319.04 | 12,566.52 | |||
PARC | 1,240.00 | ||||
Silt Removal Project | 29,750.00 | 71,401.84 |
In the month of June, we spent $33,720.83. The major expenses for the month were our first two payrolls for the lifeguards at the beach, our first two invoices for Rollins Aquatic Solutions (Lake Maintenance) and payment of our Umbrella and Package insurance policies. In addition, we paid our monthly lawn maintenance bill, had a few trees removed, paid for the Liquor license (Social Committee) and repair of the website that was recently hacked. These expenses were all within the budget. In our year –to-date numbers, all of the committees are well within budget. As of now, we do not anticipate being over budget in any categories, although many of the committees will use most of their budget by the end of the year.
Other Business Randy Young
Special Events Policy
Mike Mitchell will form a subcommittee that will revise the Special Events policy and bring a draft back to the Board for approval by the next meeting.
A discussion of TLIA grants through committees was held – grant applications should be copied to Randy Young before spending the money.
Adjourn public portion of meeting.
Motion to adjourn: Mary Magro
Second: Andrew Young
Adjourn: 9:50 p.m.
Executive Session
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Pattengale