June 9, 2015
7 PM Tower Lakes Village Hall
Board Members Attending:
Randy Young, Jack Johnson, Linda Kuna, Judd Lautenschlager, Mike Mitchell, Kathy Pattengale, and John Yancey
Apologies: Mary Magro, Andrew Young
Committee Representation:
Rick Steffen – Social
Cass Young – Communications
Kathy Covek & Victor Mannina – Tennis Committee
Pat Covek – Grounds Beautification & Tennis
Guests: Jennifer Gray
Call to Order: Randy Young
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Opening remarks Randy Young
Randy opened the meeting noting that it was a very full agenda. The board has a full slate of topics tonight and several items to review prior the July activities. Not wanting to hold anything up he started the meeting calling for a review of the May minutes.
Approval of Minutes Floor
The May 2015 Board Minutes were approved as written.
Motion to approve: Judd Lautenschlager
Second: Mike Mitchell
Vote to approve.
Financial Secretary’s Report Linda Kuna
TLIA Financial Secretary’s Report – June 16, 2015 Meeting
May Receipts Year to Date
$7,960.00 $208,308.14
2015 Regular Dues $2,950.00 $80,659.00
2015 Senior Dues 360.00 38,465.00
2015 Lake 1,975.00 70,475.00
Past Dues 1,050.00 11,835.00
Past Lake 250.00 4,437.56
Vacant Lot 225.00 675.00
RFPP 850.00 850.00
Miscellaneous 300.00 911.58
TOTAL $11,825.00 $208,308.14
Receipts for TLIA dues are coming in very slowly. Certified letters went out to five households that are in arrears for 2013 and 2014 and have not responded to requests to set up a payment plan. Outstanding dues on these five accounts total $5,300. In addition, we will be sending out a request for payment marked “past due” to all households who have not paid their 2015 dues in full right after the Fourth of July.
Treasurer’s Report Mary Magro
We are now breaking out expenses by previous month and year-to-date. The association is in good shape financially but will incur grounds and lake expenses this summer.
Tennis Committee Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson, Victor Mannina, and Kathy Covek presented an update of extensive research that has been done exploring options for fixing the tennis courts. They shared the various options under consideration: resurface and level, demolish and re-grade the existing courts, partially demolish and rebuild new courts, or demolish and build new courts. The Board requested that the committee bring their recommended option as a proposal to the Board for consideration and for possible inclusion on the ballot at the general membership meeting in November.
Communications Cass Young
For the month of May, the committee posted 19 email blasts, made various website posts, and made posters for Lake Cleanup. Several advertisers have been secured to partially offset the cost of printing the July newsletter in color. The TLIA website was recently hacked and is being rebuilt based on a recent backup. This resulted in minimal disruption to the site.
Grounds John Yancey
Repair and restoration on the path to the bridge has been completed. Drainage has been diverted so that erosion is no longer a problem, and sod and seed will be added to the site and maintained over time. The boat ramp is also finished, and we are very pleased with the contractor and his work. The Eagle Scout projects are coming along. There will be another workday calling for volunteers to help complete this work. We received a bid to replace the gazebo roof for $2,500.
John Yancey is working to address a resident’s concerns about a TLIA park adjacent to their property. He has also responded to another resident about dead ash trees on adjacent TLIA property, which can’t be removed because of the expense involved.
The Stewards of the Park program will potentially be combined with the Park Maintenance Program in the future. The dumpsters and port-a-potties are set for the 4th of July festivities. New concrete stoppers for cars that had been considered for parking lots on East Lake Shore are cost prohibitive. Telephone poles could be used instead but would be difficult to transport to the site.
Lake Committee Judd Lautenschlager and Rick Steffen
The recent Eco Day presentation was a great success. 48 residents attended this presentation about the Conservation at Home project by Beth Adler from the Barrington Area Conservation Trust (BACT). The PowerPoint from this presentation is available on the TLIA website. Residents were encouraged to sign up to participate in the Conservation at Home program, and plants were available for sale at the event. Thanks to Rick and Fran Steffen for planning this event.
Doug Dewitt is working on a lakeshore-planting project in conjunction with the Lake Committee, and Mary Lenling and Mark Shircel are installing plants in the reading area on Rest Island. In the future, Rest Island could serve as a model to demonstrate what lakeshore planting could be in conjunction with work done by Grounds Beautification/Garden Club.
60 northern pike were stocked in mid May, and smaller fish are now being stocked. A fish shocking was conducted to get a sense of what fish are needed, and numerous carp were removed. 500 pounds of common carp have been removed from the lake to date.
Phase 2 pumping in slit removal (south of Roberts & by the islands) has been completed. Phase 3 will be done next year. The committee is creating a plan for Lathan’s Landing restoration and is going through the necessary government agencies and channels. McCarthy’s Landing restoration will begin when the silt project is completed in that area. Rollins Aquatic has been treating the lake for invasive weeds. A gander disbander was inadvertently turned off, and one has been relocated.
Paperwork for the stormwater IEPA 319 grant is due for to be finalized the first week of July. We will eventually recover 60% of the money spent. Tower Lakes has agreed to reimburse the Village for ½ of the planning costs since they are paying the full amount upfront.
The Lake Committee will host a critter show (possibly a hawk, snake, and turtle) for the community during the 4th of July weekend.
Stuart Middleditch has completed his Gorden Lewis Park Eagle Scout Project with the help of 32 volunteers on 11 workdays. Three dead trees still need to be removed, and a maintenance plan needs to be put in place for this park. TLIA property markers have been installed at the entrance to the Warwick Road boat landing. This property will need ongoing maintenance as well.
A resident asked about obtaining privacy screening for their property adjacent to Aram Park. Jack Johnson will get suggestions from this resident about remediating this issue and bring ideas to the board. Untagged boats abandoned at boat landings will be available over the 4th of July weekend. This effort will be publicized in advance. The Torstenson $2,000 grant to the TL Community Foundation is earmarked for capital expenditures (volleyball or playground) at Bays Park. All grant funds are subject to the TLIA bylaws, and the Board has jurisdiction over anything that is done on TLIA property.
Social Committee Rick Steffen
New tables and chairs were purchased and an existing tent was repaired with funds from the TL Foundation grant. The Sign-up Genie is up and running for scheduling volunteers for the 4th of July events. The theme this year is “Tower Lakes Proud.” Posters of the event and music schedules will be posted.
Grounds Beautification Pat Covek
Thanks to the many volunteers who helped prepare the common areas on our planting day! The committee is reviewing vendors for fall planting in order to get the most competitive prices.
Tennis Pat Covek
The courts are safe and playable.
Beach Mary Magro
No report.
Other Business
The special events policy discussion was tabled until the next meeting, and will be put at the top of the July agenda in order to provide ample time for discussion and consideration of this issue.
Motion to adjourn: Judd Lautenschlager
Second: Jack Johnson
Adjourn: 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Pattengale