May 11, 2015
7 PM Tower Lakes Village Hall
Board Members Attending:
Randy Young, Jack Johnson, Mary Magro, Judd Lautenschlager, Mike Mitchell, Kathy Pattengale, John Yancey
Committee Representation:
Steve Burgoon, Andy Hay, Tom Kubala, and Keith Scharm (Lake)
Cass Young (Communications)
Bob and Kristi Nash (Social)
Pat Covek (Grounds Beautification and Tennis)
Guests: Mel Ott, Tate Fisher and Stephen Yancey (Boy Scouts), and Dave Parro
Apologies: Andrew Young, Linda Kuna
Call to Order: Randy Young
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Opening remarks Randy Young
Randy restated his intent to encourage open communication among the Board members and the committees.
Approval of Minutes Floor
April minutes were revised to replace Jack Johnson’s name with John Yancey and Alan Merkle’s names at the bottom of p. 5.
Motion to approve: Mary Magro
Second: Mike Mitchell
Vote to approve.
Boy Scout Eagle Presentation Tate Fisher and Stephen Yancey
Tate Fisher and Stephen Yancey presented updates on their Eagle Scout projects at Lindy Lewis Park (the gazebo). They thanked volunteers for their initial efforts and stressed that the scouts are trying to give back to the community that raised them. Rotted boards and cracks in the foundation of the gazebo are being addressed. Weeds have been removed. Stephen and Tate are in the process of replanting native plants, power washing and staining the structure, and making new paths. The proposed budget for is $700 (for stone for relaying a path to the gazebo and for another path down to a boat landing). Projected costs involve purchase of stone, cut drywall, and various supplies as well as rental of a power washer. Judd Lautenschlager offered to lend his power washer, and the neighbors will let them use their power supply. Midwest Groundcover has offered to donate plants. John Yancey also has quote for gazebo roof repair/replacement work that will be done by professionals. Pat Covek expressed safety concerns about the open railing design of the gazebo. This is a separate issue that the association will address in the future. The Board expressed their full support of these scout projects. Randy Young asked for copies of the budget to see what we can provide as an association in terms of supplies and what would be considered normal maintenance. It was suggested that the scouts consider applying to the TL Foundation and seek donations from the troop for additional funding. Tate’s project needs to be completed and documented by August 12 to be reviewed for Eagle Scout. It was recommended that the scouts write email requests soliciting volunteer assistance, and these requests can be sent out as email blasts by the Communications Committee. Tate will send photos of the work in progress and Randy Young will share these with Board members.
Financial Secretary’s Report Randy Young
April Receipts Year to Date
$11,825.00 $200,348.14
2015 Regular Dues $5,475.00 $77,709.00
2015 Senior Dues 0 38,105.00
2015 Lake 2,500.00 68,500.00
Past Dues 2,850.00 10,785.00
Past Lake 1,000.00 4,187.56
Vacant Lot 0 450.00
Miscellaneous 0 611.58
TOTAL $11,825.00 $200,348.14
Randy Young presented the report. There are presently 81 outstanding dues invoices. Letters will be sent out to members who haven’t paid their dues at this point. TLIA will also send a certified letter to members in arrears from previous years, and the Board will vote on any further action needed at the June meeting. If necessary, attorney fees of $250 will be added to the amount of the dues in arrears in order to begin the collection process.
Treasurer’s Report Mary Magro
Tower Lakes Improvement Association | |||||
Budget vs. Actuals: Budget – FY15 P&L | |||||
November 2014 – October 2015 | |||||
Total | |||||
Actual | Budget | over Budget | % of Budget | ||
Expenses | |||||
Administration | 1,813.74 | 3,000.00 | -1,186.26 | 60.46% | |
Beach/Lifeguards | 3,073.88 | 30,000.00 | -26,926.12 | 10.25% | |
Community Relations | 1,311.42 | 3,000.00 | -1,688.58 | 43.71% | |
Grounds Beautification | 1,000.00 | 6,500.00 | -5,500.00 | 15.38% | |
Grounds General | 877.86 | 6,000.00 | -5,122.14 | 14.63% | |
Grounds Maintenance | 0.00 | 6,500.00 | -6,500.00 | 0.00% | |
Insurance | 0.00 | 15,000.00 | -15,000.00 | 0.00% | |
Lake | 582.00 | 23,000.00 | -22,418.00 | 2.53% | |
Lawn Maintenance | 3,840.00 | 18,000.00 | -14,160.00 | 21.33% | |
Legal | 0.00 | 2,500.00 | -2,500.00 | 0.00% | |
Social Committee | 0.00 | 1,000.00 | -1,000.00 | 0.00% | |
Tennis Committee | 1,650.00 | 3,000.00 | -1,350.00 | 55.00% | |
Tree Removal and Maintenance | 3,250.00 | 12,500.00 | -9,250.00 | 26.00% | |
Website | 0.00 | 2,000.00 | -2,000.00 | 0.00% | |
Youth Committee | 0.00 | 1,000.00 | -1,000.00 | 0.00% | |
Total Expenses | $17,398.90 | $133,000.00 | -$115,601.10 | 13.08% | |
Capital | 9,015.59 | 9,015.59 | |||
Silt Removal Project | 40,366.89 | 40,366.89 | |||
PARC | 1,240.00 | 1,240.00 | |||
$50,622.48 | |||||
April 1 – May 11, 2015 | |||||
Total | |||||
Actual | Budget | over Budget | % of Budget | ||
Expenses | |||||
Administration | 622.10 | 500.00 | 122.10 | 124.42% | (Boat tags and Apple Self Storag)e |
Beach/Lifeguards | 5,000.00 | -5,000.00 | 0.00% | ||
Community Relations | 500.00 | -500.00 | 0.00% | ||
Grounds Beautification | 1,082.00 | -1,082.00 | 0.00% | ||
Grounds General | 66.95 | 1,000.00 | -933.05 | 6.70% | (Com-Ed) |
Grounds Maintenance | 1,082.00 | -1,082.00 | 0.00% | ||
Insurance | 2,500.00 | -2,500.00 | 0.00% | ||
Lake | 3,832.00 | -3,832.00 | 0.00% | ||
Lawn Maintenance | 3,000.00 | -3,000.00 | 0.00% | ||
Legal | 416.00 | -416.00 | 0.00% | ||
Social Committee | 166.00 | -166.00 | 0.00% | ||
Tennis Committee | 1,150.00 | 500.00 | 650.00 | 230.00% | (Tennis court cleaning, fix fence & water fountain) |
Tree Removal and Maintenance | 2,082.00 | -2,082.00 | 0.00% | ||
Website | 332.00 | -332.00 | 0.00% | ||
Youth Committee | 166.00 | -166.00 | 0.00% | ||
Total Expenses | $13,704.64 | $22,158.00 | -$8,453.36 | 61.85% | |
Capital | 6,615.59 | 6,615.59 | |||
Silt Removal Project | 5,250.00 | 5,250.00 |
Payments were made for boat stickers, self-storage, for repair/maintenance of the tennis courts, and to Com Ed. Capital expenditures include payments for the boat access ramp and for the silt project.
Lake Committee Andy Hay
The Lake Committee was expanded a few years ago in conjunction with the silt removal project. Rather than focus on creating unenforceable ordinances, TLIA is encouraging best management practices to filter stormwater such as not using lawn fertilizers containing phosphates and certifying homes through the Conservation at Home process. In 2011-12, Tower Lakes became part of a long-term 9 Lakes Watershed-based Plan led by CMAP (Chicago Metropolitan for Planning). Its focus is on improving local impaired lakes by reducing phosphorous and fecal coliform. Members of the Lake Committee present at the meeting shared the extensive work they have done on the 2015 IEPA 319 Grant application process.
The Lake Committee is currently in the process of applying for the 2015 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) 319 Grant. These grants are dispersed on a rotating basis, and Tower Lakes is at the top of the list for consideration this year. The 319 Grant is focused on reducing non-source point pollution and restoring water resources and wetlands. The Lake Committee proposes creating an engineered biofiltration system that would trap stormwater before it goes directly into the lake. The system would act like a natural cistern and would help with runoff, flooding, algae bloom, weeds, oxygen depletion, and fish kills. The Committee examined potential locations, impacts, and criteria when writing the grant. Bays Park is the park of choice as it is ideal for catching the water running toward it in all directions. An engineered rain garden including a sump pump would be installed. The EPA requires that biofiltration systems be maintained (weeded and cleaned) over time, but no pumping is involved.
The project would be funded from various sources, including local sources (the Village and TLIA), possible private grant monies from The Tower Lakes Community Foundation, grants from the Lake County Stormwater Management Watershed Management Board, and the IEPA. The IEPA grant would also include matching funds earned from in-kind contributions (labor, meetings, education). The estimated grant/cash match is $241,250. The goal is to keep any cash outlay from TILA and Tower Lakes Village to a minimum and split the cost evenly between TLIA and the Village. The Lake Committee is requesting that TLIA join the Village in approving a total of $7,500 ($3,750 apiece) at this time to pay for designs for Bays Park and Wagner Park, as these are prominent sites that will help highlight this concept of stormwater management. Minimal additional funding may be requested of the Village and TLIA in the future. Considering all of the combined funding sources, we are getting substantial benefit in relation to what we spend. Given the time constraint of a July 30 deadline for submitting the IEPA grant, it is not possible to consider alternative sites at this time. If we don’t get the IEPA grant, the money will not be allocated by the Village or by TLIA. The chances for getting the grant are greatly increased by having the landowner (TLIA) as a stakeholder in the process. The Village has offered to act as the front organization if that would be helpful. Nancy Schumm would serve as project manager, and the recommendation is to use the company Encap to do the design and installation. A question was raised about persistent flooding along Gateway and Warwick. Future projects could include rerouting water to reduce this flooding
Motion by Mary Magro: to pay up to $3750 as long as the Village partners up to pay.
Second: Judd Lautenschlager
Vote to approve. Jack Johnson opposed.
Communications Cass Young
For the month of April, the committee posted numerous emails, updated the website, and made posters for the Progressive Dinner.
TLCF Grants
The grant monies from the Torstenson donation to the Tower Lakes Community Foundation (TLCF) are broken down as follows: Grounds $1,000, PARC $2,000, Youth $5000, Social $2000, and Lake $15,000 ($10,000 for stocking with fish). If committees don’t have their own banking system, they should go through TLIA to obtain these funds. Each committee needs to apply to the Foundation for all or some of their grants. A question was raised whether there is a time limit for utilizing these funds. Randy Young asked that the committees share with TLIA how they are using the funds even though they have autonomy in how they use them.
Grounds John Yancey
Work will begin on the West side path to the bridge in May. Construction continues on the boat access ramp due to the wet weather. Boat landings and shorelines were cleared, and untagged boats were removed during Spring Cleanup.
Initial work has been done on the Eagle Scout projects. The scouts are now ready to start restoring the paths and planting native plants on the slope at the gazebo property. Thanks to Dave Derita for allowing us to use his water for power washing the gazebo.
Brush pickup has been postponed one week due to the weather.
Social Committee Bob Nash
The Progressive Dinner was heavily promoted and well attended. Many thanks for the Bolger family for hosting the dessert house. Planning is well underway for the 4th of July festivities. Highlights include an adult social on the beach Thursday night, a pancake breakfast Friday morning, and live music acts. The 4th itself features a full slate of activities. A talent show for younger child and teenage groups and performers will be held that evening. New apparel designs will be available for purchase. The bar and grill will be open most of the weekend. Joe Davies will arrange the liquor license for this year. The Sign Up Genius will be updated to create slots for the many volunteers needed for the 4th of July festivities. Please promote and volunteer for this annual celebration!
Next year’s core Tower Lakes Events Committee is being anchored by Rick and Fran Steffen and Bob and Kristi Nash. Volunteer leads have stepped forward for the Barsumian event and the Progressive Dinner. Anyone interested in serving as a core member of TLEC should contact the 2016 members listed above, and lead volunteers should do the same. Please promote the Sign Up Genius! The Social Committee is looking for ways to enhance communication by creating a portal or using the TLIA website.
Bob Nash arranged for repair work to be completed on our rental tent and our current PA amplifier. After the 4th the committee will review any additional maintenance and repair needs. All banking and funds have been transferred to the Fifth Third Bank.
Lake Committee Judd Lautenschlager
The first phase of restocking has been done as a result of part of the recent grant. Shocking will be on May 16 to get a count. The shocking doesn’t hurt the fish; they just rise to the surface. Carp will be taken out. Signs about catch and release (except for carp) will be posted.
Andy Hay will meet with Volunteer Lake Management Project (VLMP) volunteers Jason Thunk & Zack Rowley and any other interested volunteers on May 24 at 11:00 a.m. The volunteers take chemical readings at three sites once a month. TLIA received a free Dissolve Oxygen meter, so the money previously requested won’t be needed.
Eco Day will be June 13. This program, presented by Rick and Fran Steffen, will highlight the Barrington Area Conservation Trust’s Conservation at Home certification program. Currently, 11 homes have been certified. Our goal is 100 homes.
Additional volunteers are needed to help with the geese oiling. Please contact Rich Barr if you are interested.
Phase 2 of the silt project has begun, and the area has been marked off. An email blast was sent out notifying residents about not going near the potentially hazardous wire in the water.
Tom Kubala was welcomed back to the Lake Committee.
We continue to identify and mark TLIA property boundaries. Stuart Middleditch and his troop are working on Iverson Park.
North Lake and Warwick Rd boat landings were of focus on Lake Cleanup Day.
Thanks to Keith Scharm for mowing the lawn at the Warwick boat landing. Boats have been removed, but East lake Shore still has some boats that aren’t tagged and haven’t been claimed. A list of these tags will be published in the newsletter.
Grounds Beautification Pat Covek
Thanks to all who helped prepare the lunch at Lake Cleanup. Pat is reminding the landscapers not to mound mulch heavily around the trees.
Pat Covek
The Court Committee report will be tabled until the next meeting.
The weather has pushed back work on the courts. Pat will look into alternative courts if ours are not ready in time.
Beach Mary Magro
Jerry Metzel has ordered sand, and maintenance is being completed on the rafts. All guards have been hired. Swimming lessons have been publicized in the TL News. New this year: Fun Fridays – different activities will be held to encourage greater use of the beach. Non-TLIA/Recreational Family Pass members will be charged $10 extra for swimming lessons. TLIA/Recreational Family Pass members have priority over nonmembers for registering for lessons.
Other Business
Randy Young shared a letter from a resident regarding concern about impact from a TLIA park adjacent to her property.
Randy Young will obtain a current certificate of insurance.
Village President Dave Parro expressed his enthusiasm about the Village working together with TLIA. He noted that ½ of the Village Board members have been on the TLIA Board and/or on committees in the past. Randy Young echoed his enthusiasm to collaborate with the Village.
Motion to adjourn: Mary Magro
Second: Judd Lautenschlager
Adjourn: 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Pattengale