Batting cleanup during our 4th of July Parade this year was a jaunty garbage cart followed by her big brother trash truck brought to you by our brand new trash and recycle provider, Prairieland Disposal. Our current contract with Waste Management will end at the end of August with the last pick-up by Waste Management being August 25. While we have been well served by Waste Management the past 10 years, Prairieland provides a broader offering at a better value for Tower Lakes.
Prairieland Disposal and Recycling is an environmentally conscious, family-owned and operated waste collection and recycling firm that services the greater Lake, McHenry and Cook Counties. They take waste reduction seriously and recycling is a strategic part of their business. The truck you all saw in the parade is a state-of-the-art “ONE-PASS” collection truck that collects both garbage and recycling at the same time. This will decrease the amount of fuel and energy used, as well as reduce traffic and emissions on roadways and neighborhoods. This truck is also lighter than other rear load or front load refuse trucks resulting in less wear tear on our roads.
After August 25, the new village trash day will be Thursday so expect to see the Prairieland truck on Thursday, September 3. New 95-gallon toters for recycle and garbage will be delivered to each resident prior to that date. Waste Management will pick-up their toters on August 25. There will be no charge to the residents for these toters. Seniors, if they desire, may choose a smaller toter (65 gallons) for garbage. Yard waste subscriptions will be available similar to the program provided by Waste Management with one noted improvement: food and animal waste (kitty litter) will be accepted in the yard waste program. Waste Management will provide rebates for any unused months on existing subscriptions. Please be sure to use up your existing yard waste stickers prior to August 25 as they are specific to Waste Management and new stickers must be purchased from Prairieland after that date.
Prairieland also offers one bulk item pick-up per week such as a couch and provides free electronic scrap drop-off at their Lake Barrington site on Pepper Road. This includes one free TV disposal per household per year. This is a great opportunity to dispose of those old printers, routers, etc. since electronic recycle has become a net cost to communities due to processing costs and low commodity prices.
Additional information will be forthcoming in a letter to the residents, which will provide the details you need for the transition process and contact information for Prairieland. The results of this change will be lower disposal costs, increased recycle opportunities and reduced environmental impact. Additionally, we will be involved with local business who will provide quality attention to the needs of our community.
Please welcome Prairieland to our community!