Happy New Year!
No, I’m not saying it early; I say it because TLIA is on a November-thru-October fiscal year, so I saying: “Happy TLIA fiscal new year.”
I hope you heard me speak at the Annual Meeting just a few weeks ago, when I detailed our fiscal position as tight but manageable. The moderate dues increase for 2016, along with the Board’s diligence in money management and revenue recovery, will help our dollars stretch farther and accomplish all our plans for TLIA in the coming year.
You can do your part by looking for the dues invoices which will be arriving in your mail box in just a few days. The due date in March 1, 2016. You have 90 days to meet your financial obligation. Please do your best to make that date. When you do, it will go a long way in achieving our plans and meeting our goals for TLIA in 2016.
We understand that it might be difficult for some people to meet the March deadline. If that is the case, we are happy to help make it easier. We can arrange, at no additional cost to you, a payment plan that will keep your dues current and maintain your “member-in-good-standing” status for 2016. It’s simple and easy to set up. All it needs is a phone call to Linda Kuna, our Financial Secretary. However, remember that this arrangement must be in place by the due date to avoid the late fees that will be added to accounts after March 1. (per the TLIA Bylaws). So the sooner, the better.
We need the support of everyone if we are to maintain our budget and manage our money efficiently. There are great plans ahead for all the wonderful activities, facilities, and capital improvements in the new year. It’s your turn to do your part. Get your dues in ASAP to make it a great new year!
Our next meeting is Monday, December 14. I am looking forward to that meeting as we get an update on the Tennis Court fund raising progress. I’ve heard whispers through the winds of good things happening; so stay tuned. Better yet, come to the meeting to hear all about the fund drive, how you can contribute and help us improve our neighborhood with new tennis courts. The meeting is December 14, 7pm at the Village Hall. Hope to see you all there!