Contributed by: TLIA President, Randy Young
Over the past three years, the PARC Committee has done an incredible job re-invigorating our entire park system with new playgrounds, walkways, beautiful trees, and green space. The parks are also marked with new signs that identify each park and display proudly our heritage as a family friendly community.
If you attended the Association’s 2014 Annual Meeting, you heard Jack Johnson present a recap of the work the PARC folks did rejuvenating the parks and the enthusiasm with which they approach their work.
The work continues into 2015 and the PARC Comprehensive Plan details how we will keep our parks at their best. The plan has been outlined to the Board and will soon be presented as a formal document which will serve as a guideline for our parks and green spaces into the future.
The future is bright and can be even brighter, and you can help by becoming a “Friend of the Park,” a program outlined in the PARC Comprehensive Plan. The “Friends” are a group of residents who care deeply about our parks and how they look, work and are maintained. Some are neighbors to the parks, others use our parks and playgrounds daily. Everyone has one thing in common, a love for our parks and green spaces.
Everyone can be be a “Friend of the Park.” It’s easy and you can make it fun for the entire family.
- Every time you take a walk in the neighborhood, look around and think about what this area needs to stay beautiful.
- When you take your kids for a run, a walk, a picnic, or a stroller ride, keep a sharp eye out for the great things you see in the parks and talk about it with your kids.
- How about when you walk your dog? Stop along the way and pick up that stray piece of trash (including what the dog leaves behind) and toss it in the nearest receptacle.
- Maybe, as you sit under a shady tree enjoying a view of the lake, take a moment and be mindful of how long that tree has been there, what it means to our environment, and what you can do to keep it healthy.
- Then, when you lounge for that extra moment on one of the new benches, loving a soft summer breeze, you will say to yourself, “what can I do to help?”
Here’s what you can do… When you see something in need of repair, a maintenance issue, or a bench out of place; when you see equipment that needs to be picked up or something replaced; maybe it’s a safety issue that urgently needs to be fixed. Whatever it is, all you need to is report it, call it in, send an email or talk to someone on the Board. We’ll see to it that it gets fixed, repaired, painted, cleaned up, whatever is required; it’ll be done. We have all invested our time and money in our parks, it’s time we all take care of them.
The contacts you need to make that happen are [email protected] or use the contact links from the website, or call anyone on the Board. Be anonymous if you like (even though we would love to know your name and say thank you). Your email or phone call will be answered and your concern addressed. It’s the right thing to do!
It is simple, easy, and fun, be a “Friend of the Park.” Help us keep Tower Lakes clean, beautiful, and fun for all.