Notes from the Neighborhood for July 2015

/Notes from the Neighborhood for July 2015
Randy Young, TLIA President

Randy Young, TLIA President

Contributed by Randy Young, President TLIA

We have made it through the first half of 2015. What a ride! I never thought the year would pass so quickly while providing such a whirlwind of activity and opportunity.


We began the year with our financial re-origination. All the accounts receivable were moved to a more professional platform in QuickBooks. It allows for accurate tracking of both current accounts and the accounts that become delinquent. You may have noticed the more formal invoices you all have received for the 2015 dues. QuickBooks has allowed us to reduce our delinquent receivables from nearly $24,000 at the start of 2015 to currently just under $9,000. This is a tremendous improvement thanks to our financial team.


The lake is on a real upswing thanks to the wonderful work and diligent efforts of the Silt Team and Lake Committee. It’s a beautiful sight to look from my backyard over to the islands each morning during the holiday celebration. The lake is a shining example of what can be accomplished when we unite as a community.


The Social Committee has produced another wonderful 4th of July extravaganza. Moving ahead, I hope everyone participates in the coming years activities as they re-structure the committee. There will be more opportunities for involvement, more touch points to the community, and greater events than ever before. This new structure, I predict, will re-invigorate all of our social activities along with the involvement of the entire community.


The beach is in great shape and this holiday will be a high point of July 4, 2015. Please take a moment and give a mention of thanks to our guards as you enjoy the beach this holiday. Each of them works hard to maintain the highest quality, service and safety for our community. Well-done guards and Beach Committee!


Newsletter – Email – Posters. Three words that equal TLIA Communications. A tremendous job keeping the community informed and this edition of the newsletter is 16 pages in full color!


The parks and grounds have never looked better. Tower Lakes is blooming!  Although a continuing challenge, the tennis courts have gone through their yearly maintenance and are playing well.  The Tennis Committee is outlining a bright future for the courts. Look for news on that front in coming months.


Youth Committee activities are at an all-time high with movie nights, youth garage sale and a few surprise activities in the very near future…


There is so much more to accomplish in the second half of the year. The agenda is full of opportunity. Over the next few months we will work hard to bring these opportunities to the membership and develop new ideas and projects to improve our community.


On this greatest of Tower Lakes holidays, I want to thank all the community-minded volunteers who provide their time, expertise, talents, and ever-expanding hearts to TLIA. It is you who make this the greatest community and the best of places to live. Check it out… its documented on page one!

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