Notes from the Neighborhood – January 2015

/Notes from the Neighborhood – January 2015

Notes from the Neighborhood – January 2015 Contributed by: TLIA President, Randy Young

Randy Young, TLIA President

Randy Young, TLIA President

Our work-a-day lives can be a constant barrage of obstacles to success — a never-ending merry-go-round of bosses, budgets, customers, commuting, planes, trains, and automobiles. All those frustrations can drive you crazy!   That is, until we drive into our neighborhood at the end of the day. Here, we can enjoy the lake and trees, our kids in the parks, swimming at the beach, and playing pond hockey in winter. This is where we experience the warm outreach of a neighbor’s hand on a cold winter night saying “welcome.” These things center and comfort us because they mean we are home at a place we call Tower Lakes.   The grounds, parks, lake, social activities, and the guidance to manage them are the tangible manifestations of that feeling. These are the things that TLIA provides and it only remains special because of the stewardship and support we provide for our association.   The TLIA Board has maintained a neutral budget for 2015, meaning no increase in dues this year. They have done this while maintaining an outstanding level of services to the community. The Board has done their job of responsibly managing our money; now it is time for each of us to do our job of fulfilling our obligation of stewardship for our association. This month, the invoice for 2015 dues will be sent to each association property owner. We all share in the benefits provided by TLIA; we all, by necessity, share in the operating expenses. It is our obligation — our stewardship — to the community to which we belong.   As 2014 comes to a close, TLIA carries on the books an unpaid balance from nearly 10% of our members. That outstanding balance is over $18,000 or to apply it in practical terms, the outstanding dues are equal to the cost of our common grounds maintenance and beautification for 2015; or it’s 61% of our largest budget item: beach and life guards; or an equal amount to our lawn mowing bill for 2015. This is money that could go a long way in easing our budget while providing substantial benefit to our community.   We recognize when times are difficult and understand the additional stress that brings. TLIA recently contacted those who have outstanding balances and offered to work hand-in-hand with each homeowner to bring their stewardship current. We want to help; just ask! Our obligation to the bylaws requires that we collect the dues; it’s our duty as your association to find a way to work together to make it happen. The goal is to provide an environment in which we all can live in harmony, in a beautiful neighborhood, and raise our families. Our stewardship of TLIA is the lifeblood that makes that happen.   So go to work, catch a plane, deal with a boss, and manage the people or stress of the day-to-day. Then return to enjoy the views of the lake, kids in the parks and let the stress drain away. It’s our stewardship of TLIA that allows for that moment. Enjoy it and bask in the serenity of knowing you are home.

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