It does my heart good each day to feel the spring season wrap its arms around Tower Lakes as we inch our way closer and closer to warmer weather. After all, springtime is a very special season around here. The grass begins to green up, trees pop their leaves, and the Easter Bunny makes it annual visit to the TL islands. That’s right everyone, break out those bonnets, pastel shoes, flowered jumpers and bring on the smiles. It’s Easter Bunny time.
It’s a very special day when neighbors, friends and families all come out of winter hibernation and say hello to a bright new season. We’ve all been stuck inside our isolated worlds for too many cold and cloudy days, but those days are over! Let the sunshine in as it brightens all our hopes and dreams with the gentle warmth and fragrant scent of springtime. It’s a grand opportunity for us all!
Need proof you say? Well it was easy to find. Despite a cold and rainy spring morning, the Easter Bunny lead the charge across the bridges to the islands for the Youth Committee’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt. We all saw the ear-to-ear smiles on the faces of our kids, grandkids, and those who wish they were still kids. They all jumped for joy as they found colorful eggs chock full of all kinds of surprises, candy, coins, and little toys that made us smile. We heard the joyful yelps of each child as they found that special treat behind every bush, hidden next to the tree stump, or maybe in grandpa’s pocket or grandma’s sweater. I hope you each took a moment to say thank you to the volunteers on the Youth Committee for making our springtime just a little brighter or if you didn’t get the chance, send them a brief note of thanks by CLICKING HERE.
When the sun comes out and warm air billows through the new leaves, it makes us all kids again, wondering just how good we have it, as we grab our baseball mitts, fishing poles or bikes and just laze the coming days away in the warm sunshine.
It is a season to enjoy our friends, neighbors and family! Take this special time to gather everyone close, wish them a Happy Easter, Happy Passover or just bestow a smiling “good morning” as spring dawns another beautiful season in Tower Lakes.