The Tower lakes Fourth of July celebrations have, for years, become cherished memories engraved in the minds of generations of TL families. From the youngest to the most senior in our community, it’s part of our DNA. For those same number of years, we have had a Social Committee, today it’s been reformatted to be called the Events Committee, a group of dedicated TL volunteers that has produced our old-fashioned, homemade celebration of America. The Fourth of July has never failed to be a time of fun, food, and community. Just as last year’s slogan proclaimed.
So, here’s a shocking headline for you: 4TH OF JULY CANCELED! Sounds absurd in Tower Lakes, doesn’t it? Cancel our fabulous July celebration? You know, the one where the entire community comes out to enjoy a traditional summer event: apple pie, music, BBQ, cold beer, great friends. The one where we have a parade with more people marching than watching; the one with great music day and night on the island. You remember how great the beach activities were and the face painting, pony rides, bingo…well list all those as memories; wallow in them; wrap them around you like a warm blanket this January because it might just all come to an end.
How can I say that? How can we cancel it, you ask. Well, we can cancel. The potential is looming right over our heads now because not one person has stepped up to say “I’ll lead the Events Committee!”
At the Annual Meeting, I spoke of three types of people who make up leaders. No need to rehash it. If you were there, you know. But the people I described are folks like Rick & Fran Steffen and Bob & Kristi Nash — the current Events Committee leads. These folks have lead the Events Committee for four years now. They re-designed the committee to fit into the new mold of our community. They made it project-orientated, not a long term committee commitment for volunteers. Ironically, they have spent more time on this committee than any other couple in the history of Tower Lakes. They have done their tour, put in their time, and we are better because of it. We owe them a huge “thank you.”
For the past several months, and at every opportunity and community gathering, they have made the pitch for someone to step up and lead this vital committee; and to date, NO ONE has called and said “I will.” It’s a pity! Shame on our spirit of volunteerism!
I am not scolding the dozens of people who have stepped up to manage projects and specific events, not at all. These are the people who have marched hand-in-hand with Fran & Rick or Bob & Kristi making all these events special. Those folks are the regulars who always steped up to volunteer. I am speaking to the hundreds of people who have enjoyed the hard work, coordination, and monumental efforts of those who have volunteered and produced on your behalf. It is you — who today — owe our community a little bit of your time and brain power.
Once again, I’ll explain how the “new” Events Committee works. The leads are just that — leads. Think of them as managers. They have the plan, but the individual event execution is carried out by the volunteers on a single project basis. Every existing event has a play book of “how to do this.” This book has all the forms, plans and rundown of each event. Just read the book, all the basic planning work has done and is ready to go. The Lead’s primary job is financial management and to maintain a 10,000-foot view of the Committee. The event volunteers will execute the events under your management. I’m not saying it is a knock-off easy job, no volunteer job is that; but it could not have been better prepared for the next leads than it has been by the Steffen/Nash band.
So, the ball is in your court. Do you want an Events Committee? Do you want to continue with Scotch Doubles Bowling Night, A Progressive Dinner, Music in the Park and Chili Cook Off? And more importantly, do you want a Fourth of July celebration in Tower Lakes? Do you want the memories for our children? The fun for your community? And the pride of helping your fellow Tower Lakers create those lasting memories?
I am tired of excuses. I am talking to YOU who tell me… “I’m too busy… too involved in other things… not interested… kids, family, work.” I’ve heard them all. Try and tell that to your Board Members, your current Committee Leads, and the dozens of volunteers who do all the work of providing a vibrant community for you. You benefit because of the results of their labor and from what I see, you enjoy it very much.
The Deadline for new leads is March 1. We will lose our current leads at that time and they need to be replaced. So the questions are: Why not YOU? Why not NOW.
The time is short and getting shorter. Without you stepping up, the next headline you will read in this newsletter will be, “Fourth of July is canceled!” I would hate to write it, but I will. And Tower Lakes will be just a little less of a community.