Notes from the Neighborhood – March 2018

/Notes from the Neighborhood – March 2018

Randy Young, TLIA President

Well, it’s that time of year again… when we say “spring is just around the corner.” But to the TLIA board “that time of year” refers not to spring, but to our dues season.

First, I have to tell you that I met a new resident at the Big Night last weekend. He (Mike) called me out saying that when he reads my column “you have a habit of running off on too many angry rants!” I responded that sometimes it’s my job to do just that but I would endeavor to improve.

So, Mike, let me tell you the good news this time of year. Because of the change to a calendar fiscal year and our 2018 invoices going out in January, it has been a good year, so far, for dues. A big “Thank You” to everyone for voting that amendment into the bylaws and then following through with your payments. Additionally, thanks go out to the many responsible members who have contacted TLIA and requested a payment plan for 2018. The vast majority of our membership is in “good standing” with the approaching March 31 deadline. I truly appreciate our membership who is responsible, reliable, and aware of the value of TLIA.

The good news continues with the past due receivables report as of February. With the approaching payment deadline, our outstanding dues (more than 1 year in arrears) is at an all time low of $7,875 with the fewest number of people on the delinquent list in a long time. Not to mention the low percentage of outstanding dues to revenues!

I must give credit to our Financial Committee who has worked so hard to make this a reality. The simple fact is that our financial re-org plan is working. I especially want to call out Financial Secretary, Fran Steffen. She has taken on her role of not only processing the invoices but the difficult job of collections with gusto. She manages to carry a velvet hammer while being charming to those who have pushed aside their obligations for too long. The results, as mentioned above, have been outstanding. Well done, Fran!

However, I also have to say (Hold on Mike! Here comes a bit of a rant), we need to collect the outstanding $7,850 and it is never easy. Please review the newsletter story this month outlining the dues collection process. The board and I believe it is our duty to be clear on the process and procedures of collection. Everyone should know and understand the process we are required to follow.

So there you have it, Mike. Did I do better with a little less rant and a happier tone? I hope so. As always, I love to hear from all of you about anything TLIA related. I promise an answer and a smile.

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