“It’s Your Turn”

Randy Young, TLIA President
I have been writing these columns for just over three years now and what a great privilege it’s been — the ability to reach out to the community I love. Sometimes I’ve been outlandish in my rants about money, volunteerism, or the nature of TLIA and sometimes just playful words of joy and neighborly comment. I hope that maybe, just maybe, I’ve inspired a few of you, perhaps motivated a few, or at the least, been somewhat entertaining each month. I may have even angered some along the way. After all, isn’t that what a column is supposed to do.
Any one of these results are good. After all, if you can’t speak you mind or express thoughts and ideas, along with reaction to it, where would we be as a society?
It’s not easy, you know, trying to get out 350-400 words (and sometimes as many as 700) about our community each month. It’s really a challenge. There are so many factors to consider, like, should I write about the people, the actions of the Board, maybe a rant about the in-action or difficulty of making progress on bylaws, finances, or volunteerism? Any of those topics are fine points of discussion, debate, and always controversial. Maybe this month should just be a fluff piece on our community spirit. See where I’m coming from?
So, here I am typing my 233rd word and the light bulb atop my head begins to glow! How about you, yes you. Do you have something on your mind, something to say, maybe shout? An insight that needs a forum? What value do you place in the printed word? A metaphorical soap box to shout from. Here is a your chance to speak your mind and I offer you a place to say it.
Next month this column space is yours. Express yourself, hop on that soap box and shout it out. You say it, I’ll publish it! Take the risk of speaking out. I did.
Express opinions, thoughts, ideas; use critical thinking. Write of things that motivate, encourage, and move our community; express how you disagree with and want to change, or look to the future and be creative in your approach. After all, we are all joined in our common goal of a fruitful life in TL. Express you’re thoughts and be bold. Take this opportunity to move your reader to action.
Now, there are a few rules, please don’t call out anyone individually, don’t embarrass anyone (especially yourself). Think about what you say and how you say it. Know the printed word is a whole lot different than just saying it or thinking it. No profanity, steer clear of politics, religion libel and slander. I reserve the right to apply proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, but I will not edit it for tone or message. Feel free to remain anonymous but make that clear, otherwise I shall credit the author.
The opportunity is yours and it is here for the taking. Can you feel the creative juices rising? Is that a writer’s itch at your fingertips? Go ahead slip that metaphorical blank sheet of paper into your new fangled typewriter machine and get after it. It’s only 350-400 words. Easy, right? I’m at 546th word right now, a bit over budget. But I’m entitled and so should you be. So write!
OK, I’m done, but I hope you’re not. My email link is just below. Use it. Click on it and send in your “Notes from the Neighborhood.” I’m reading, listening, and publishing…
This should be fun!