Notes from the Neighborhood September 2016

/Notes from the Neighborhood September 2016
Randy Young, TLIA President

Randy Young, TLIA President

It’s September and along with back-to-school, football, and looking forward to a Cubs World Series, it is TLIA budget time. Yes, a time of crunching the numbers, balancing committee requests, and cross-checking needs and wants. It is also a time to review our finances and make sure we are living up to our pledge of transparency and openness.

As to the review part, well we are looking very hard at next year based on performance of revenue this year. As to transparency… well here is a transparent number we should all know by now; there are 48 delinquent accounts totaling $20,437 in outstanding dues owed to the Association.

Dues are the life blood of TLIA. Without them, we have nothing! No lake, events, youth, communications, grounds maintenance, tree maintenance, 4th of July, tennis courts, silt removal…the list is very long and you know it as well as I do and you get the picture. Without your dues, we can not function as an association.

I realize that if you are reading this you are probably not the problem. You’ve met your obligation and are enjoying all the benefits of TLIA. But those who have not paid are also enjoying and benefiting from our Association’s services. I just don’t see that as equitable to anyone.

If the outstanding balances were paid off today, we would not even consider a dues increase or service cut backs. But that is not the case; and in this season of budget creation and membership reviews, we are considering both.

It is time to reduce the 17% non-collectable dues allowance in the budget; it’s time for those who ignore their obligations to step up. I would much rather be cheering on the Cubs and tossing a football or raking leaves with my grandsons, but instead I have to knock on doors, send letters, make phone calls and maybe, just maybe, ask you in November to accept a budget of rate hikes and cut backs.

Got any ideas?I am all ears. Email me at [email protected]

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