Randy Young, TLIA President
In an earlier era, the U.S. Marine Corps recruiting slogan was “We are looking for a few good men.” Well today is a new era and very soon, TLIA will be looking for a “few good people” to establish a new era of service to our community.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,” said Thomas Jefferson. Now, I don’t imagine revolt in the streets of Tower Lakes. But I do foresee a like-minded movement of individuals who will rise above the norm to take the helm of our association along the path of a new future. As we pass the half year point of our fiscal year and gaze forward into the next year, we will be looking to the next generation for new leaders. Those special people who are willing to do what it takes to bring TLIA to the next level. That opportunity is before you with the January 2019 elections.
It will take vision, fortitude, and a willingness to break some established molds. I see it as an awareness of home and community, an awareness of the future with so many goals yet to be attained. View this as a calling to fulfill your potential, and a calling for our best to step up and take their best shot.
In my years of service to our community, I have believed that we must always move forward with a vision for the future. Whether it is planning for a modern infrastructure, lake and park improvement, restructuring our finances, streamlining our procedures, or better services for our membership. This vision is embedded within us to benefit our children and grandchildren. It is for them that we work so hard to make this community a better place. Isn’t it all worth your time to to take this opportunity to mold our community into YOUR vision?
I am asking those of you out there who are hoping to be involved, want to be involved, or interested in being involved to bring your ideas, your time, and your spirit to the next election. Join the process. Join a committee, form a committee, or better yet… run for a board position (there are 5 slots on the ballot) so it is wide open for you! Bring on the ideas and be a part of the solution.
The Nominations Committee is led by Janet Blake and she would love to hear from you. Janet can be reached via [email protected]. As we approach the fall, she will be putting together a slate of candidates for TLIA Board positions. Drop her a line and express your interest.
Will it be you? Are you one of our next leaders? To quote another Marine slogan, “Are you one of the few?” The Board needs your ideas; the Association wants your energy; and your community looks for your commitment. I know you are out there, and so does all of TLIA.