October 5, 2015
7 PM Tower Lakes Village Hall
Board Members Attending:
Randy Young, Jack Johnson, Judd Lautenschlager, Mary Magro, Mike Mitchell, Kathy Pattengale, and John Yancey
Apologies: Linda Kuna, Andrew Young
Committee Representation:
Steve Burgoon – Lake
Kathy Covek – Tennis Courts
Rick Steffen – Social
Cass Young – Communications
Guests: Bob Covek
Call to Order: Randy Young
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Opening remarks Randy Young
There were no opening remarks due to the full agenda.
Approval of Minutes Randy Young
Motion by Mary Magro to approve the September TLIA Board Meeting minutes
Second: John Yancey
All in favor.
Financial Secretary’s Report Linda Kuna
TLIA Financial Secretary’s Report – October 5, 2015 Meeting
September Receipts Year to Date
10,891.89 $247,789.69
2015 Regular Dues $4,300.00 $93,959.00
2015 Senior Dues 0 40,985.00
2015 Lake 2,350.00 80,675.00
Collections 1,524.67 22,232.23
Vacant Lot 0 1,125.00
RFPP 0 2,881.25
Miscellaneous 2,717.22 5,932.21
TOTAL $10,891.89 $247,789.69
37 households owe a total of $24,261.24 in unpaid 2015 dues. A letter will be sent out laying out the penalty that will be assessed if dues are not received or a payment plan is not set up by 10/31/15. The past due accounts will be put into a general category so that everything can balance in QuickBooks.
Youth Missy Sandberg
No report
Treasurer’s Report Mary Magro
Tower Lakes Improvement Association | ||||
Budget vs. Actuals: Budget – FY15 P&L | ||||
November 2014 – October 2015 | ||||
Total | ||||
Actual | Budget | over Budget | % of Budget | |
Expenses | ||||
Administration | 2,991.96 | 3,000.00 | -8.04 | 99.73% |
Beach/Lifeguards | 21,337.76 | 30,000.00 | -8,662.24 | 71.13% |
Community Relations | 3,379.81 | 3,000.00 | 379.81 | 112.66% |
Dues Refund | 313.25 | 313.25 | ||
Grounds Beautification | 3,576.09 | 6,500.00 | -2,923.91 | 55.02% |
Grounds General | 6,313.16 | 6,000.00 | 313.16 | 105.22% |
Grounds Maintenance | 5,400.00 | 6,500.00 | -1,100.00 | 83.08% |
Insurance | 13,241.00 | 15,000.00 | -1,759.00 | 88.27% |
Lake | 21,251.99 | 23,000.00 | -1,748.01 | 92.40% |
Lawn Maintenance | 16,000.00 | 18,000.00 | -2,000.00 | 88.89% |
Legal | 1,011.29 | 2,500.00 | -1,488.71 | 40.45% |
Social Committee | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 | 100.00% |
Tennis Committee | 1,650.00 | 3,000.00 | -1,350.00 | 55.00% |
Tree Removal and Maintenance | 14,600.00 | 12,500.00 | 2,100.00 | 116.80% |
Website | 1,031.52 | 2,000.00 | -968.48 | 51.58% |
Youth Committee | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | 0.00 | 100.00% |
Total Expenses | $114,097.83 | $133,000.00 | -$18,902.17 | 85.79% |
Capital | 20,964.52 | 20,964.52 | ||
PARC | 1,240.00 | 1,240.00 | ||
Silt Removal Project | 98,388.54 | 98,388.54 |
Youth Committee and Social Committee monies have been transferred into their respective accounts. Money has been paid for the Lathan’s Landing project. Trees and Grounds are over budget for the year. Any surplus funds remaining at the end of the year will be put into Capital. Any uncollected dues affect our ability to maintain and increase our Capital fund.
Communications Cass Young Cass Y
In the month of October, the Communications Committee has promoted events such as Barsumian in the Park, TLCF Oktoberfest, the Chili Cook-off, Scarecrow Fest, Fall Cleanup, and Halloween via email blasts, website updates, and posters.
Events Committee Bob Nash and Rick Steffen
Linda Kuna has volunteered to chair the Chili Cook-off. The Events Committee will prepare a blueprint of past events to guide event planners in the future, and a Sign-up Genius will be posted online to solicit volunteers. The Events Committee will be setting the date for the Progressive Dinner as well as the dates for the 4th of July. Save the date for Scotch Doubles at Sideouts on January 30.
PARC Committee Jack Johnson
An email blast will be sent about removing all boats from the boat landings by November 1 (boats must be removed in order to maintain the boat landings). TLIA will remove any boats that remain after November 1 and will charge owners for the cost of the removal. Boats will either be sold or owners will be required to pay $50 to get their boats back in the spring.
Motion by Jack Johnson: In order to maintain the boat landings, a $50 fine will be assessed on all boats that are not removed from the boat landings by November 1.
Mike Mitchell: Second
All in favor.
Tennis Court Committee Update Mary Magro
Mary Magro shared that several donors have stepped forward to contribute to funding the rebuilding of the tennis courts. The committee has filled out a TLCF grant application for $110,000, and donations will be solicited at the TLGF Oktoberfest. An email will be sent detailing how TLIA members can make donations through the TL Foundation website.
Motion by Mary Magro: To place on the ballot of the November 8, 2015 Annual Meeting: Seek approval from the membership to allow the Board to spend no more than $60,000, out of the Capital Fund to partially fund the rebuilding of the tennis courts, providing that and contingent upon the balance of the construction monies come from individual donations from community members through the TLCF.
Jack Johnson: Second
Tennis Committee Pat Covek
The courts will close November 1. Will Knight will be running the men’s doubles program. Anyone interested in helping with 2016 programs should contact Pat Covek. Kathy Covek and Mary Magro have been working to solicit funds to help rebuild the tennis courts.
Grounds John Yancey
Stewards of the Parks volunteers are needed for the boat landings.
The gazebo has a safety issue. The stone wall on the patio needs to be shored up, and steps will have to be built. We have received an estimate for $3000 for this work.
This work could be done in the spring.
Mary Magro: Motion to allocate $3000 to shore up the stone wall at the gazebo and build steps up to it.
Mike Mitchell: Second
All in favor.
Grounds Beautification
Fall flowers have been planted. Ray Boe planted approximately 80 mums that should be in bloom in time for the Chili Cook-off. An email blast will be sent regarding the holiday tree lighting, which will be done in conjunction with the Youth Committee. The committee is hoping to adopt St. Jude Children’s Hospital as this year’s charity associated with the tree lighting event.
Lake Committee
Progress is being made spreading out and drying the silt. Fish restocking and carp removal have been done.
Beach Committee Mary Magro
The beach is closed for the season.
Member Services Andrew Young
Andrew Young is collecting data for the 2016 printing of the Tower Lakes Directory. He has received 135 responses via the Google Form. Residents are asked to include their email addresses and are able to customize how they wish to receive their newsletters.
Follow-up contact will be made with any residents who don’t submit information via Google Form.
Other Business Randy Young
Agenda Items for Annual Meeting
The tennis courts rebuilding request and The Beach Committee will be added into the draft agenda. Written reports from Tennis, Grounds Beautification, Youth, and Communications will be shared as a written report at the meeting.
Property Swap Titles Randy Young
TLIA has placed on the ballot for the Annual Meeting approval for the exchanging of TLIA property lines with an adjacent property. TLIA will put up markers to delineate the resulting TLIA path.
Additional Unimproved Properties Randy Young
The Board is looking into additional unimproved properties that are part of TLIA but have not paid association dues.
Special Use Waiver Mike Mitchell
The Board will rewrite the special events form to address potential liability issues presented by for profit activities/events not sponsored by TLIA. Our attorney recommended two options: purchasing additional liability insurance or requiring a liability waiver. Mike Mitchell will pursue the liability waiver option further and report back to the Board.
Motion to adjourn: 9:13 p.m. Mary Magro
Second: Judd Lautenschlager
All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Pattengale