Tower Lakes Yearbook Directions

/Tower Lakes Yearbook Directions

Here is your opportunity to include your personal dedication or advertisement in the Tower Lakes yearbook!

Our Tower Lakes yearbook will have space for residents and local businesses to insert their own message, including photos, drawings and text! You use a lot or a little space. The options are:

  • 1/8 page $25
  • 1/4 page $40
  • 1/2 page $70
  • 1 full page $140

To create a personal page or ad in the Tower Lakes yearbook, follow these steps:

  • Go to com
  • On top right, click on the Find Your School tab, and type in Tower Lakes
  • In the Students and Parents block, click on Purchase Ad
  • Register if haven’t previously or login with your credentials if you have
  • Click on the size you want to purchase
  • Design you page by clicking on a template, adding text and photos. Make sure to save your work.
  • When finished, click Continue and Review and you will be able to view your page
  • If you want to make changes, click Edit this ad. Otherwise, click the box approving the design and click Purchase this ad.
  • Complete the billing and credit card information on this page and the next
  • If you have questions or need help, please e-mail or call Marty Thompson at [email protected] or 847-526-4665
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