Youth Conservationist Activity Workshop: June 11

/Youth Conservationist Activity Workshop: June 11

Contributed by Jen Grey

Kids K-6  Join us on June 11 from 10 – 11 am on Rest Island

We love our spring sprouts! (Jack and Brooke van Black)

We love our spring sprouts! (Jack and Brooke van Black)

Our goal is to encourage the planting and conservation of native plants for a greener, healthier, and more beautiful world. The workshop will focus on the benefits of nurturing plants native to Illinois, and their potential impact right here in Tower Lakes. Members from CFC and Native Seed Gardeners will discuss opportunities for Voluntary Stewardship Programs, and lead participants in interactive eco games.  Pint-sized ‘Prairie Dropseed’ and  ‘Nodding Onion’ plants will be given away for adoption, free.

See you then…and BRING YOUR FOLKS!

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