A Message from TLIA President Steve Burgoon:
Welcome to Tower Lakes, a place like no other. Tower Lakes is a very strong, active community. We take pride in our two beautiful lakes, our rolling hills and beautiful scenery. We are proud to unveil our new website that serves to seamlessly bring the community together in new ways. With a responsive design, the new site works on your desktop, tablet and mobile phone.
About TLIA
Originating in 1930, Tower Lakes Improvement Association (TLIA) is a Homeowners Association licensed under the Illinois Common Interest Community Association Act to serve and support the common interests of the homeowners of Tower Lakes. Association membership is mandatory for those resident in Tower Lakes areas of North Lake, East Side, West Side and South Hills. Neighboring village residents in Country Club Estates, Fenview Estates, Tower Trails and Village of Tower Lakes may opt to use the facilities and access the events of TLIA by means of an annual Recreational Family Pass Program.
TLIA maintains all of the common lands, parks and other association properties and most importantly is responsible to the Lake, the Islands, the Beach and much of the shoreline.
The association has a Board of Directors which meet monthly and a number of Sub Committees including Events, Youth, Finance, Grounds, Membership Services, Communications, Beach, Long Range Planning, Lake, and Tennis.
All of the activities are funded by means of an annual dues assessment.The financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st.
The opening section of the By-Laws describe purpose of TLIA as “The object of this Association shall be to promote good will and mutual benefit, maintain good social and moral environment, and preserve the natural scenic and recreational resources of Tower Lakes for use of current and future residents.”
Copies of the By-Laws of the Association, the Rules and Regulations, the Membership Directory as well as access to the monthly newsletters and email blasts may be obtained by emailing [email protected] The Association Board Meetings are held monthly at 7pm in the Village Hall on Rte 59 on the second Monday of each month. All TLIA Association members and invited guests are welcome to attend.